
当品读完一部作品后,这次阅读让你有什么领悟呢?需要写一篇读后感好好地作记录了 。那么我们该怎么去写读后感呢?以下是小编精心整理的《李家宝》读后感,欢迎阅读与收藏 。
昨天晚上,妈妈与我共读了一篇感人肺腑的故事——《李家宝》 。故事讲的是:一只名叫李家宝的俊俏小公猫,从受到主人的厚爱,到后来将它送到珍爱它的`朋友家,主人没有体会到李家宝的重情惜义难割舍,然后李家宝长病了,又重新回到主人身边,直至去世,李家宝始终是一只有情有义有骨气的猫咪 。
读完了这篇催人泪下的故事,我的眼泪闪闪而落 。我明白了一个道理:人要始终如一地爱护动物,动物也有深深的情感!别辜负了动物的一往情深!
这勾起了我的回忆——在我六岁时,姥爷在石老人观光园帮我捉了一只五彩缤纷的蝴蝶王,它如手掌般大、如花儿般美 。姥爷将它小心翼翼地放在塑料袋里,拿回了家 。看到蝴蝶王,我兴奋极了,高兴地喊到:“好美的蝴蝶呀!”后来,不知怎的,它的翅膀破损了,我一直在心里埋怨自己没有悉心照顾好它 。姥爷和我一起帮蝴蝶王医治好伤口,然后我们来到院子里,将它放飞,让它插上一双梦想的翅膀,回归大自然的怀抱!天空中,我心爱的蝴蝶王像雄鹰般展翅翱翔!


Commentary on an article titled Harry Potter and the Sad Grown-ups Mr.bongo said: in case there is neither meat nor bamboo, we can still read some books.The happine of reading, in fact, is even great than eating meat and
appreciating bamboo.Look back to the period of Mr.Bongo, all what we read are poems and four books and five claics, there is no books like Harry Potter which is been pursuit by people today.Even those books are the bestseller, there is no draft fee or revenue paid for the writer, so when refer to the reading, it was just a generally word about book.There is no need to add the sentence such as reading some books, however the word such as reader, it includes all the bachelor and scholar, also there is no need to divide it into several types.At that time, maybe the affair about reading is much simple than the moment.
We shouldn’t conjecture the author of the article in suspicious attitude that he is the mind of sour grape, because his script is lovely and the scenario is true in somehow.But his contentions are unable to be agreed with.As a single parent, Mi LuoLin wrote Harry Potter among down and out, as she said that the writing is for herself, not for any certain groups, all what her wrote is used for fighting against the gray life before her becoming famous and bases on the keen love of writing itself.The author never means to surrender so she is also unlikeable to lead the readers to escape from reality by her book.Beyond this aside, if the children liked to read what however the adults can not dabble, then how can we say these famous as "Grimm\\'s Fairy Tales," "The Little Prince" and "Arabian