Slan的《Sly》 歌词

Slan的《Sly》 歌词

专辑:Electric Blues
Massive Attack - Sly
(vowles, del naja, marshall, hooper, suwoton, goldman)
I try to believe what i feel these days
It makes life much easier for me
It's hard to decide what is real these days
When things look so dizzy to me
I already know my children's children's faces
Voices that i've heard before
There's always more
There's always more
Wondering leaving the sea behind
To my home which everybody owns
Wondering, wondering
Where we can do what we please
I feel like a thousand years have passed
I'm younger than i used to be
I feel like the world is my home at last
I know everyone that i meet
Somewhere in the music i can hear the bells
I heard a thousand years before
There's always more
There's always more
Wondering is this there all there is
Since i was since I began to be
Wondering, wandering
Where we can do what we please
00002/M身高 162-170
00020/F(均码)身高 156-162
moussy(摩西)是BaroqueJapanLtd公司创立的第一个品牌,当时moussy是以(BasicAmericancasualbrand)作为市场定位,并主力发展摩西牛仔(moussydenim) 。第一间旗舰店于东京涩谷1095/F开幕 。
摩西将惯用于男士牛仔裤的厚牛仔布(heavyouncedenim)应用在女士牛仔上,由于当时日本时装界甚少将男性化的元素融入女性品牌 , 亦欠缺scoutdenimprofessional , moussy凭着其独特而创新的品牌形象,吸纳了不少追随者 。
Sly,是英文狡黠、淘气、耍耍心眼的意思,其实寓意着“SLY”服装品牌的风格 。SLY是热销的日本109大牌之一,《ViVi》《JJ》《Pinky》《Ray》《Mina》等日本杂志上对SLY品牌女装常常会做推荐,所以相信很多MM已经知道或听过SLY这个日本女装品牌 。

“自我·性感·酷味”(BEMYSELFSEXYCOOL),是摩西(moussy)主要的品牌形象 。moussy所设计的服饰是给有自我形象、自我生活态度、独立而且有影响力的时代女性 。
涩谷109的摩西(moussy)店 , 当时备受瞩目 , 更成为潮流指标 。大量日本女性在放工或放学后涌到摩西(moussy)店购物 , 令店铺水泄不通,
成为一大购物热点 。摩西(moussy)另外一个特色是每月都有全新货品 , 吸引不少顾客定期到moussy购物 。由于顾客反应热烈,同年涩谷109的摩西(moussy)店再分别开设两家分店 。
2004年1月,moussy在全日本已增设至11间店铺 。
2006年1月,moussy在全日本已扩充到26间店铺 。