

yǒng bù tuì suō 。
解释意为任何困难无法阻挡前进的脚步,表现了百折不挠、顽强不屈的精神 。
坚贞不屈 [ jiān zhēn bù qū ]
释义:坚守节操,不向恶势力屈服 。
出处:唐·韦应物《江州集·睢阳感怀》诗:“甘从锋刃毙;莫夺坚贞志 。”
翻译:甘愿被锋利的刀刃所毙命 , 也不能夺取人的坚毅志气 。
英文为:Never back down
1、You have to make everyone agree with what you have to say, so you never back down
你要让每个人都同意你所说的,所以你从来不会让步 。
2、Mother, one never to back down from a fight, looked him in the eye and said," I'm sorry, but I can't throw that far!"
3、I've never seen our paper back down from a story
我从未见过我们的报纸放弃过一次报道 。
4、Never, ever, back down on your vision of the project schedule or plan
永远不要推翻你制定的项目进度表或计划 。
5、Moreover, such was his faith in his destiny and four deuces that he never for a moment wondered just how the money would be paid back should a higher hand be laid down across the table
况且 , 他是那样相信自己的命运和手中的那几张牌,所以从来就不考虑:要是桌子对面放在是一手更高的牌呢,那他将怎样偿还这笔钱呀?
6、It might have been better if we had never gotten this far, but we are here and consequently it cannot be the objective of policy to try to drive back down the general price level
如果我们当初没有走这样远,事情或许会好办一些 。但既已到了这一步 , 就不能用开倒车的办法,以全面压低物价水平作为我们的政策目标了 。
1、百折不挠:意指无论受到多少挫折都不退缩 。比喻意志坚强,品节刚毅;
2、知难而进:明知困难 , 却不后退,即迎着困难上;
4、坚持不懈:坚持到底,毫不松懈,形容做事持之以恒,比喻有恒心,有毅力 。
永不退缩 never flinch
flinch: v 畏缩,退缩,畏首畏尾
We never flinch from difficulties
我在困难面前从不畏缩 。
I never flinch from difficulty