郁郁寡欢的意思和造句( 三 )

他依旧郁郁寡欢 , 并且有点粗野 。
He was still unhappy and a little rough
如果一个人一直站在适当的位置温柔的注视着你,你冷了就送来温暖热了就送扇子 , 难过送安慰当你失意到郁郁寡欢时,她又变成了一道光照着你这样的人爱你,你要不要?就算是一块石头也有可能被捂热,不是么?随侯珠
If a person has been standing in a proper position and watching you tenderly, when you are cold, you will bring warmth and warmth, you will send fans, when you are sad, you will send comfort When you are depressed, she will become a light shining on you Such a person loves you, do you want to Even a stone may be covered with heat, right Hou Zhu
“老气横秋,灰不溜秋 , 郁郁寡欢,象我一样,”她对自己又说了这些,然而事实并非如此 。
"Old, grey, unhappy, like me," she said to herself, but it was not
因此 , 希思很少表现出尼克松那种郁郁寡欢 。
As a result, heath rarely showed Nixon's melancholy
做人最重要的是开开心心过好每一天 , 所以你不要整天颔首低眉、郁郁寡欢,这样子会直接影响的自己的身心健康的 。
【郁郁寡欢的意思和造句】The most important thing to be a man is to have a happy life every day, so you should not bow your head and frown all day long This will directly affect your physical and mental health
他平时郁郁寡欢,但讲起话来意趣盎然,令一些能言善辩者黯然失色 。
He is usually unhappy, but his words are full of interest, eclipsing some eloquent people
这位臣仆的郁郁寡欢,使皇帝颇为伤心,就此垂询 。
The depression of the servant made the emperor sad, and he inquired about it
灰色心理病一般多发生于进入中年期的男性,主要表现为:精神萎靡不振,郁郁寡欢,焦躁不安 , 但自己又否认有任何心理变异 。
Gray psychosis usually occurs in middle-aged men, mainly manifested as: mental malaise, depression, restlessness, but they deny any psychological variation
因为通常他不是郁郁寡欢就是和些在一起 。
Because usually he's either depressed or with idiots
Since the death of his son, he has been depressed and ill In less than a year, he has gone with him
那时的他是孤独的,直到孤儿院里来了另一个小女孩,而他的人生也由郁郁寡欢变得风趣横生 。
At that time, he was lonely, until another little girl came to the orphanage, and his life also changed from depressed to funny
Depressed and unhappy