英语单词wallet 和 purse 的区别

英语单词wallet 和 purse 的区别

英语单词wallet 和 purse 的区别如下:
(1)purse强调是钱包,wallet强调是钱夹(折叠式的) 。
I slid the wallet into his pocket
我把钱包麻利地塞进了他的口袋 。
She looked at me and then reached in her purse for cigarettes
她看看我,接着伸手去包里拿香烟 。
(2)wallet是男士钱包,purse是女士钱包 。
The madman flung away his watch and his wallet
那个疯子把自己的手表和皮夹子扔了 。
The money could simply go into the public purse, helping to lower taxes
这笔钱可以直接划入公共资金 , 帮助降低税收 。
(3)两个单词读音不同:wallet英 [?w?l?t]美 [?wɑ:l?t] , purse英 [p?:s]美 [p?:rs] 。
I filched some notes from his wallet
我从他的钱包里偷了几张钞票 。
He had his purse stolen by a pickpocket
他的钱包被掏了 。
扩展资料wallet 和 purse的近义词:
英 [?b?lf??ld]美 [?b?lfo?ld]
n皮夹子 。
He picked up the billfold
他捡起那只皮夹来 。
【英语单词wallet 和 purse 的区别】2、notecase
英 ['n??tke?s]美 ['no?t?ke?s]
n<主英>钱包,皮夹子 。
I hed just lose notecase and I felt very upset
我丢了钱包心里很烦 。
英 [b?:s]美 [b?:s]
n钱包,(尤指大学的)金库,(苏格兰大学的)奖学金 。
Bud burse occurred several days ahead of normal, with less rain than usual
钱包:[ qián bāo ] 1purse2walletRelative explainations:Examples:1我昨天丢了钱包I lost my wallet yesterday2上周六我的钱包被偷了My wallet was stolen last Saturday3我放在桌子上的钱包不见了My w