原则是什么意思|什么是原则?( 三 )


3.4) I remained wary about being overconfident, and I figured out how to effectively deal with my not knowing. I 百思特网dealt with my not knowing by either continuing to gather information until Ireached the point that I could be confident or by eliminating my exposure to the risks of not knowing.
我对过度自信保持警惕,对不熟悉的领域会有效处理,我会通过持续聚集信息,直到达到我确信的那个点,或者消除暴露在无知的风险中 。
Sometimes when I know that I don’t know which way the coin is going to flip, I try to position myself so that it won’t have an impact on me either way. In other words, I don’t make an inadvertent bet. I try to limit my bets to the limited number of things I am confident in.
有时,我不知道硬币滑向哪面,我试着给自己定位,以便滑向哪面对我都没影响,我不会做不加思考的赌博,我会把有限的赌注放到有限的、我能确信的事情上 。
3.5) I wrestled with my realities, reflected on the consequences of my decisions, and learned and improved from this process.
我和现实展开斗争,对决策结果进行反思,从这一过程中学习和改进 。
By doing these things, I learned how important and how liberating it is to think for myself.
通过做这些事,我了解到,独立思考是多么重要,多么自由 。
In a nutshell, this is the whole approach that I believe will work best for you—the best summary of what I want the people who are working with me to do in order to accomplish great things. I want you to work for yourself, to come up with independent opinions, to stress-test them, to be wary about being overconfident, and to reflect on the consequences of your decisions and constantly improve.
简言之,我相信,这是工作最好的方法,我想要人们和我一起工作,完成伟大的事,这是最好的总结 。我想要你为自己工作,提出独立观点,对这些观点去提出压力测试,去警惕过度自信,去反思你做出决策结果和不断的改善 。原则是什么意思|什么是原则?