
今天,我与表弟、表妹来到了外婆家,我们来外婆家是有一个大目的的,因为外婆这里的昆虫比较多,植物也十分多,所以我们三个来外婆这里是收集昆虫标本和植物标本的 。
我们三个首先开始制作捕捉昆虫的工具,我们先将渔网剪断,然后将铁丝扭成一个环,将铁丝环与渔网套在一起,最后和长长的坚硬的木棒连接在一起,就做成了简易的捕捉网 。最后我们又带上卫生纸、剪刀、大瓶子、望远镜、大盒子……
我们三个小家伙哼着小曲出发了,我们一边走,一边望,发现了新奇的植物,我们就剪下它一片叶子带回家观察,这时,我们发现了像一片手掌似的树叶,表妹问我:“哥,这是什么叶子啊?”我便拿出一副才高八斗的样子来解说“这个是枫树叶子,像手掌似的枫叶穿着它那火红的外衣抵挡着秋天的寒意 。
进入深秋,一片片的枫叶落下来,给整个大地盖上了一层厚厚的红地毯 。”我们剪下枫叶放进了盒子里 。我们继续前进,接着,我们又发现了一只绿色的大蚕,表弟说:“这个是普通的蚕吗?”我说:“这不是普通的蚕,而是风仙金翅王蛾的幼虫,叫风仙虫 。”我们放了它吧,它的数量很稀少呢 。
我们连接着发现了银杏叶、金龟子、蝉……这时,一只独角仙和一只蚯形虫的战斗把我们吸引住了,我们三个看得津津有味,都将期望寄在这只独角仙身上了,因为它那只大角十分厉害,经过几番激烈的打斗,独角仙终于胜利了 。独角仙的力量在虫界果然名不虚传啊!


周记就是记载一个星期里的事情所写的记事本,类似于日记 。下面小编带来的是初一英语寒假周记,希望对你有帮助 。
Today, my father and I came to a che war.
Since the last time the challenge of the book, I have been ready, artillery, stuffy house, I was trained from the che book closely reasoned and well argued, learned two words, and Tiemenshuan belated effort.Chinese che started soon, my father and I were the red, On your marks, dad is black, I saw my father as a menacing, began to die like me.When his father went to che first, he saw that he quickly moved a "gun" to the back of the middle "pawn" and came to a gun.Hum, this is out of date! I immediately moved "horse" to the back of a "soldier" on the left.Later, we were kept in the che board "running", eat each other good children, killing pitch-dark, the parties are not resigned to playing second fiddle.In the end, I had only one horse left.My father also pointed to the remaining "Scholar".I didn\\'t pay attention to the horse and walked into the slant line of the ninth palace.When Dad looked at it, he laughed and laughed at it, and he ate my horse easily.Well, it\\'s the office again!