寒假周记初一如何写?( 二 )

This che game is a game, but I got a good practice and got to know a lot of eating! I will read more books for the next time to win my father.
Students, you must know, in the winter vacation, we are very excited.Because it is not only our winter holiday, but also the annual Spring Festival of the Chinese people.In the Spring Festival family are all happy, the children still have the money to take, is really too happy.Every time I get the money, I\\'m very happy, my mother told me to save it, and then I can buy a lot of books.Every time I go to the Spring Festival, I have to ask dad to buy a lot of fireworks.In the evening, I had fireworks with my father, mother, Grandpa and grandma, and this year I was no exception.On the evening of the big year, firecrackers and fireworks were put up in all families.The sound of the sound of firecrackers, fireworks, like a wonderful music, exciting.
I looked at the beautiful fireworks in the sky, can not help but take my dad helped me to make fireworks, fireworks lit the fuse, just listen to the wind "bang bang, a beautiful fireworks, riotous with colour scattered on the sky, the bright light shine on each a happy face on.
Ah! The Spring Festival is very good, the winter vacation is really happy!
我的脾气有些急躁,面对着这么多的作业,我又开始烦起来 。大声喊叫着:“哎呀,作业这么多呀!破题做了多少次了,都做不对 。”随着当时的气愤劲,撕掉了我最心爱的练习本 。我瞪着大眼睛,咬着牙,狠狠地盯着那道计算题,甚至也想把它撕掉,但是是不可以的,只好让我的笔受点委屈,被我那残暴的虐待,“啪”的一声摔倒了地上 。
这时,爸爸走了过来,问道:"怎么了?好好的怎么发起脾气啦?”“这是什么破题,做几遍了,没一次做对 。”我朝爸爸喊 。爸爸心平气和的说:“哎,是它把你给惹着了,来咱爷俩灭掉它!”随手拿起了一张纸,“就不信打不死它?”我不禁被爸爸的那副摸样而笑 。
“来,姑娘,爸爸指挥你,你出站,听命令,先看题型 。”我心想,听老爸一回吧“报!这是一道有理数混合运算,有加减乘除,还有中括号和小括号部分 。”“好,你要先灭掉小括号部分,再打倒中括号,最后让他们全军覆没”“好的!”
通过我和爸爸的合作,终于打败了那道题,从而,让我领悟到了,做题的方法:算一步,再算一步 。在以后的日子里,一定会遇到许多困难,但我也会以乐观的态度,一步一步战胜它 。


过年的趣事可多着呢!走亲戚,放鞭炮,看春晚,看烟花,还能收到大红包 。..好玩着呢!我最喜欢的就是大年初一的那一天 。