
The Candy King
There was a king who loved Halloween
He waited each year for this scary scene.
He sneaked out to hang on his door
Black bats and witches and spooks galore.
The midnight hour was his favorite time
With monsters covering snakes with slime.
As twelve o'clock chimed through the stars
He opened up his snickers bars.
—Boudi Gouge
Unicoi Middle School
Erwin, Tennessee
有关于糖果的英语谚语杏仁糖 Almond confectionery 花生糖果 Peanut confectionery 甘草茎糖 Stick liquorice食用糖果 Candy for food 食用糖果 Candy for food 果胶 Jellies南糖 south sugar 米花糖 swelled candy rice 黑麻片 black sesame slice 糖粘 sugar adhibit 酥糖 crispy sugar 糖松子 candy pine nut 糖核桃 candy walhut 皮糖 tegument sugar 人参糖 ginseng sugar 羊羹 sheep soup 鱼皮花生 fishskin peanut 琥珀花生 amber peanut 麦丽素 wheat best element 奶片 milk slice 怪味豆 odd taste bean 果冻 Fruit jellies圣诞树装饰用糖果 Confectionery for decorating Christmas trees 装饰圣诞树用糖果 Christmas trees (Confectionery for decorating –) 薄荷糖 Peppermint sweets 糖果 Sweetmeats牛奶硬块糖 Caramels非医用口香糖 Chewing gum, not for medical purposes 巧克力 Chocolate 蛋白杏仁糖果 Marzipan 甜食 Sugar confectionery 软糖 Fondants麦芽糖 Maltose 糖果(锭剂) Lozenges糖果锭剂 Pastilles胡桃糖 Pralines 甘草 Liquorice 没一百个那么多 :(...

糖的英文 糖的英文:sugar 读音:英 ['??ɡ?(r)] 美 ['??ɡ?r] n. 糖 , 食糖;糖缸;甜言蜜语 , 阿谀奉承;宝贝 , 心肝 v. 使甜;在...上撒糖 词汇搭配: 1、produce sugar 生产糖 2、put sugar into the tea 往茶里放糖 3、brown sugar 黄糖 4、white sugar 白糖 常见句型: 1、The sugar has a net weight of one kilogramme. 糖的净重为1000克 。
2、The price of sugar will drop soon. 糖价不久将下跌 。
3、He dusted the cake with sugar. 他把糖撒在蛋糕上 。
4、She combined some sugar, flour and butter to make some cookies. 她把白糖、面粉和黄油和在一起做小甜饼 。
扩展资料:词语用法 1、sugar是物质名词 , 不可数 , 在句中有时可修饰其他名词作定语 。
2、sugar还可表示具体的“一块〔茶匙等〕糖” , 此时为可数名词 。
3、sugar是及物动词 , 基本意思是“在…加糖” , 也可表示“给…裹上(糖衣或类糖物)” , 接名词或代词作宾语 , 偶尔还可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语 , 可用于被动结构 。
关于各类糖果的英文的介绍,注意是英文! Lollipops Lollipops are candies that you put a stick through. So their shape looks like a circle with a line through it. Usually in American or European countries, hand-made lollipops are bright coloured and disk-shaped. But a lot of the factory made ones are smaller and spherical.Chocolate Chocolates are perhaps the most classic and popular of all the candies. It is made from the ingredients cocoa, milk and sugar. It comes in all sorts of shapes and forms: blocks, bars, balls, toffee, ice cream etc. The reason it is popular (besides its splendid sweet taste) is the belief that by eating chocolate, you get a sensation of falling in love (which is why we receive it on Valentine's Day!).Chewing Gum Chewing gums have a lot of flavours: peppermint, strawberry, lime, blueberry etc. And new sugar free ones have been roaming the market in recent years. Although dentists propose that chewing sugar-free gum is actually good for your teeth, a lot of public places (especially schools) still reject chewing gums mainly because it leaves a lot of mess if not thrown into the bin.Bubble gum Bubble gums are much the same as the chewing gums mentioned above: they are both lollies that you keep in your mouth but do not swallow. But bubble gums are significantly less dense and usually come in larger pieces. This is so that you can make bubbles out of them. They are a great fun at parties.Jelly beans They are those colourful, pretty and sweet little beans that kids really love. Often different colour would signify a different flavous. Thus there is all sorts of discoveries that you can make in a packet of jelly beans.
求各种糖果的英文名称 lollipops 棒棒糖chocolate 巧克力hard candies 硬糖hard filled candies夹心硬糖chewing gum 口香糖bubble gum泡泡糖filled candies夹心糖mints薄荷糖toffee 太妃糖candies with vitamin C 含维C的糖果fruit candies水果糖colourful fruit hard candies 彩色水果硬糖milk candies 或 cream candies奶糖fuit milk candies果味奶糖fuit jelly果冻toy candies做成各种娃娃或小动物形状的糖果fruit gummy candies果味软糖gummy jelly弹性软糖cream prune candies低脂糖果orange candies桔子糖fruit jump candies果味跳跳糖