《傲慢与偏见》读书笔记格式怎么样?( 三 )

书中还有一个人让我印象是很深刻的 。吉英,一个温柔如水的女子 。伊丽莎白曾讲:她感情丰沛却在性格上稳定 。夏禄蒂也大发感慨:要是一个女人在她心爱的人面前,也用这种技巧遮遮掩掩,不让他知道她对他有意思,那她就可能没机会博得他的欢心 。结果却如她所料,彬莱格确实喜欢吉英而未有进一步的发展 。不过幸好,最后有情人终成眷属 。我欣赏吉英的性格~情绪不外漏 。却不否认,我排斥这种“面具” 。不过,谁没有“面具”呢?尤其在这竞争力强盛的世界,不带面具,称“单纯”抑或是“傻” 。一个很容易被人读出心思的人很危险,是吧!很高兴吉英不是狡诈之人,不过这种性格上的自我保护行为用在亲人,朋友以及爱人身上,那就有些过了,适当的释放自己的情绪,更显亲近,信任,不是吗?


What makes a succeful marriage?719
The succe of Jane Austen’s representative work “Pride and Prejudice” lies not only in its vivid characters, the natural development of plot and the use of satire and wit, but also its influential power whichprovokes people to rethink what are the eential elements of a happy marriage.Is that money or poeion, appearance or superficial qualities?Written in the eighteenth century, the book enlightens us on marital choice in the modern society.
The novel revolves around the marriage between Darcy and Elizabeth, which proves to be succeful and everlasting.The other three couples, including Jane and Mr.Bingley, Carroline and Mr.Collins, Lydia and William, also play a part in the novel.Though Elizabeth is born in the little landlord\\'s family, unlike her snobbery mother-- Mrs.Bennet, she is clever and sharp-eyed.When she first meets Darcy in a party, who is an aristocrat and appears to be proud, arrogant and somewhat forbidding, she has a negative impreion towards him.On Darcy’s side, he is attracted by Elizabeth’s beauty and her
intelligent manner.At this time, Mr.Bingley, Darcy’s best friend, falls in love with Elizabeth’s sister Jane who is a simple, innocent and beautiful girl.In order to put Bingley out of the dangers of an impulsive
commitment, Darcy and Bingley\\'s sister contrive to persuade him leave his country and go to London.Then Jane lapses into a deep depreion.
Elizabeth attributes her sister’s misfortune to Darcy’s persuasion, so the prejudice against Darcy is deepened.At this time, Mr.Collins, a far relative of Bennet family, comes and proposes marriage to Elizabeth which she refuses.Soon Mr.Collins finds another woman, Carroline, to marry .They move to a big house which is near to Darcy’s house.After the wedding, Elizabeth is invited to their home, and there she is
reacquainted with Darcy.Out of strong affection for Elizabeth, Darcy proposes marriage to her — presented in such condescending, denigrating fashion that Elizabeth flatly refuses him.Then the meeting with William, a pennile handsome army officer, further increases her distaste for