《傲慢与偏见》读书笔记格式怎么样?( 四 )

Darcy because William distorts all the facts about Darcy and portrays him as hypercritic.The transition comes when Elizabeth’s sister, Lydia, a superficial girl who follows exotic things and handsome man, elopes with William.Mr.Bennet pursues the errant Lydia and her suitor, and obliges them to marry — at the cost of paying off all of Wickham\\'s outstanding debts, and, in addition, giving the couple the substantial sum of ten thousand pounds.Elizabeth discovers that the amount was actually paid by Darcy.Upon learning of Darcy\\'s extraordinary generosity, coupled with the utmost discretion, Elizabeth\\'s inclinations towards him change.When the love between Jane and Mr.Bingley bloom, Darcy also approaches Elizabeth, and this time his love is returned in kind.
It’s obvious that Elizabeth and Darcy are distant from each other because of their prejudice.The series of events which they both
experienced give them the opportunity to understand one another and the time to reconcile their feelings for each other.Thus, their mutual
understanding is the foundation of their relationship and will lead them to a peaceful and lasting marriage.This relationship between Elizabeth and Darcy reveals the importance of knowing one\\'s partner before marriage.Moreover, despite the difference in social position, wealth, they give priority to their emotions and choose to follow their intrinsic feelings.They put away earthy prejudice and give no thoughts to external conditions.All these ensure a succeful marriage.In contrast, the
marriage of Carroline and Mr.Collins can never be a happy one because it is based on economics rather than emotion.And Lydia and Wickham\\'s marriage is an example of bad marriage because it based on superficial qualities which are sure to fade away with the paage of time.
In present-day society, though we lay le emphasis on economic elements, status and appearance, we are easily induced by them when considering a marriage.Often we neglect the purist feeling and choose to yield to money, rank or public opinions.We may even select our spouse in hasty, knowing little about his true character.All such behaviors will lead to an unsatisfying marriage later.Taking all these into consideration,
I come to the conclusion that we should always put emotion first and be responsible for our selection.
自从亚当堕落,沉沦 。罪恶就在这世间滋生,不断败坏人性,直至人不得称为人 。乃是罪恶的皮囊,恶魔的傀儡 。原本纯净善良的人,千疮百孔,丑不能睹 。试问何种罪恶的思想,行为在人类的历史上未曾出现 。不 ! 那是慰安妇,那是凌迟,那是十字架 ! 罪恶的类型我们多得无法计算,然不难发现,归本溯源都出自人性的弱点,比如傲慢,比如偏见 。
《傲慢与偏见》,简·奥斯丁的成名之作,即使诸位跟我一样之前未曾读过,然它的大名应当是如雷贯耳 。毕竟它归属世界名著之列 。我之所以有幸翻阅此书,一则如开篇所言为探究人性而来 ; 一则就是奔着世界名著的名衔去的,以博阅读 。