
今天是五月一日劳动节 , 我非常高兴 , 因为爸爸妈妈就要带我去开封游览名胜古迹 。清早 , 天刚蒙蒙亮 , 我就兴奋的起床了 , 收拾好我所需要的东西 , 就催着爸爸妈妈赶紧走……在路上 , 我欣赏着路边美丽的景色 , 开心极了!
【五一劳动节小学作文300字怎么写?】时间悄然流逝 , 不知不觉又到五一国际劳动节 , 在这个普天同庆的日子里 , 我是这样度过的 。
早晨 , 当我还沉醉在梦里的时候 , 妈妈就为我准备好了丰富的早餐 。在妈妈亲切的叫声中 , 我朦胧地睁开了双眼 。很不情愿地起身穿衣 , 洗漱完毕 , 来到餐桌前 , 面对牛奶、三明治、面包 , 我一下子来了胃口 。
因为妈妈忙于生意 , 不能陪我去玩 , 无聊的我只好打开书本做作业 , 三天的作业被我一下子就做完了 。接下来的时间我用来看书 , 不一会儿 , 我就入迷了 , 整个人陶醉在知识的海洋里 。
吃好午饭 , 我可以玩一会儿电脑啦!我熟练地打开电脑 , 网络连接 , 然后进入我的游戏天地摩尔庄园 , 首先到我的小屋去瞧瞧 , 我的小屋里的东西可真多呀!有幸福之花、友谊之树、草莓风铃 。啊 , 真是应有尽有 。我的好友也很多哦!有新星簇西比、摩尔公主、哆啦A梦……真是好玩极了!
一天的时间在我学习和游戏中过去了 。


刀豆文秘助手(www.daodoc.com)之五一劳动节英语作文 小学五一劳动节英语作文
my labor\\'s day
the expectant labor day arrived at finally,we can take a break finally.the seldom several days holidays, i want to play a fully enjoy.
the first day, i\\'m going to yiwu.i by train, set out from shanghai, by way of jiaxing and hangzhou.the scenery in the journey is very beautiful, there is many hills, but not how many waters, my happpy mood did not therefore suffer the influence, because i\\'m not to like the water very much, especially big river.
keep in mind the strange and pleased mood, i arrived yiwu.the many people says, yiwu become famous because of small merchandise, i approve very much now, however the night that i like it.i live the neighborhood in hills, air is very good, but there is a lot of insectual.the sunlight is very strong there sevral days, usually in the daytime of time, i sleeping in house, the nightfall go to play.very quick a week pade by.
the holidays be over, i felt not how happy, but i hope that i can to breathe the air on the hills again.expect the labor day of the next year.