神鸟改写作文怎么写?( 三 )

Let’s take English study for example , many people want to learn English well, but the result is usually opposite to their wish just because those people are lack of strong will to win through obstacles and to keep learning English often.However, those who are really determined to learn English well are never afraid of difficulties in learning English and always persist in learning it.Therefore, they can finally succeed in learning English well and really master a foreign language.
1.简单解释作文题的含义 。
2.简单阐述为什么“有志者事竟成“的道理 。
3.举例说明主题的正确性 。
Test 5
Part IWriting:
Job Problems for College Graduates
According to the charts, only 48 percent of graduates in 1994 could find jobs related to their majors, compared with 89 percent in 1981 when china had its first college graduates after the Cultural Revolution.Why do college graduates find it increasingly difficult to get a satisfactory and rewarding job?
One reason perhaps is that many colleges and universities fail to get their curricula to the development of industries.Degree courses offered in many colleges and universities are so out-dated and irrelevant and impractical that employers as well as students themselves find it hard to translate their book knowledge into real job skills.
Secondly, there is an oversupply of graduates with certain specialty, and this oversupply is increasing.The result is that many of them cannot
enter the profeion for which they are trained and have to take other jobs which even do not require a college degree.
On the other hand, the disparity in pay between intellectual work and busine management has frustrated the hope and ambition of the graduates who major in education, administration and liberal arts.
College graduates are, so to speak, valuable resources in our country.The problems they encounter in job hunting deserve more attention form the colleges and the government.The colleges should get students out of the ivory tower and gear their courses to the real needs of industry and busine; while the government should provide college graduates with more vocational opportunities, better working conditions and decent salaries.
开头用“according to”对图表简单进行叙述,在核心段用“one reason is that; secondly;on the other hand”进行详细论证 。最好结尾表达自己的观点,总结全文并回答文章开头所提出的问题 。


传说,在一座森林里有一只聪明伶俐、会说话、还很善良的神鸟,很多人都想得到它,但谁也没有得到 。
有一个年轻人,他很富有,但在一次生意中被人骗了,还欠下很多债,这个年轻人很灰心,想要死,有人对他说:“你这么想死,还不如去森林里碰碰运气,如果碰见神鸟,他会给你指条明路 。”他听了这个人的意见,觉得很有道理,然后他收拾好了包袱,就去了森林 。