化身博士读后感怎么写?( 三 )


我很容易沉浸在幻想的世界里 , 《化身博士》这本书给我一个很独特的幻想空间 , 里面的博士因为从来不会克制自己的行动和欲望 , 所以经常犯下很多的错误 , 于是他发明了一种化学药剂 , 可以在自己有很恐怖的欲望的时候克制住自己的思维 , 他喝下这种药剂后就继续着他的生活 , 但是也给他的生活带来很多的问题 , 里面的一个场景让人哭笑不得 , 在一个聚会的高潮时 , 博士忽然逃离了聚会的现场 , 不知踪影 , 其实是他的脑海中又一次萌发了恐怖的想法 , 所以他无可奈何 , 只好用逃离现实的圈套来委曲求全地不让自己犯下更大的错误 。可以说 , 他活的很艰难 。
【化身博士读后感怎么写?】我很为他感到惋惜 , 因为他是一个好人至少是从内心来说 , 因为不会克制自己而被生活 , 被命运所戏弄 , 所以我们在日常生活中也要学会克制自己 , 日久天长 , 才会有一个良好的习惯 , 这种良好的习惯再一次统治你的心灵 , 可以让你在规矩的束缚下循规蹈矩的生活 , 慢慢它会让你受益终生 。
不过我们毕竟也不愿意被规矩时时处处地管束 , 让我们的心灵受到一种莫名其妙的奴役 , 但是如果适应了自我约束 , 就可以在潜意识中形成一种规律 , 渐渐的 , 也就适应了适合自己的学习和生活的方法 。
所以我们要培养自己的习惯 , 并且持续地坚持 , 才能在以后生活中让我们收益 , 以免我们的心灵收不到控制从而使它处于过度的自由状态 , 让我们以后的生活中会因此而感到烦恼 。


My Impreion of "Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde"
林雅静 09小教英语 15号
There is a devil lives in our hearts.Sometimes our happine stems from others\\' misfortune.This makes us feel shamed.Every now and then I wonder whether there is a method that can remove the devil from our hearts.In this way, the evil part of me won\\'t feel shamed, meanwhile, the good part of me won\\'t get happine from others\\' misfortune.After reading this novella entitled "Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde", I think it\\'s better to shut down this bad idea.
This novella is written by the famous Scottish author, Robert Louis Stevenson.It is about a London lawyer named John Gabriel Utterson who investigates strange occurrences between his old friend, Dr.Henry Jekyll and the evil Edward Hyde.
Dr.Henry Jekyll was a scientist who was always considered as a serious, hard-working doctor.Behind this character, however, he was an active, fun-loving young man-about-town.He had spent most of his life trying to remove the devil from his heart which was not fitting for a man of his stature.After much thought, he finally decided to create a drug that could give each side of his character it\\'s own separate face and body.Then, he bravely drank the drug and succefully transformed himself into the smaller, younger, cruel, remorsele, evil Edward Hyde.Dr.Jekyll enjoyed his secret very much--but not for ever after.As time went by, Mr.Hyde grew in power.After taking the drug repetitively, Dr.Jekyll no longer needed to use the drug to relief his devil.Eventually, Mr.Hyde grew so strong that Dr.Jekyll had to rely on the drug to remain himself.He first injured a child in street, then beat Sir Danvers to death for no reason.Realizing he would soon become Hyde forever, Dr.Jekyll left behind a confeion and commit suicide.