化身博士读后感怎么写?( 四 )

Generally speaking, every man has two sides to his character.Just like Dr.Jekyll was a serious, hard-working doctor which concealed a irresponsible man who pleasured around underneath.Dr.Jekyll had noticed it quiet well, but he should have known that a normal people could not be two people live uncomfortably together in the same body.It sounds more like "dual personalities".Feeling complacent about his creation, Dr.Jekyll didn\\'t notice that he was trapped.Before the experiment, Dr.Jekyll was just a double-dealer.And after it, he became a person with dual personalities.Each personality wanted to control the body.Unfortunately, good didn\\'t prevail over evil.Dr.Jekyll grew weak while Mr.Hyde grew powerful.
Actually, the two sides of a person have well defined power and responsibility, mutual coordination and restraint.They know the appropriate time and situation to behave themselves.You can be serious at work with a character likes Dr.Jekyll and have your private life as crazy as you want.This is nothing to be ashamed of, but Dr.Jekyll didn\\'t realize it at that time.During the one-month internship, I have noticed that there are a great numbers of teachers wear a double face.They treat students strictly, meanwhile, they are quite friendly with their collogues and parents of students.This makes their life much easier.Everyone plays different roles in different situations.We needn\\'t to shame about it.The double-dealers can always gain advantage from both sides and live well.
When Dr.Jekyll took the drug and devided into two person, this tragedy is waiting to happen.The two person are quite simply.Dr.Jekyll shared no effort to do good and Mr.Hyde committed all manner of evil.Through the death of Dr.Jekyll/Mr.Hyde, the author tried to expound his point: If you can\\'t rein in your devil, you would be punished at last.
In the unknown corner of people\\'s deepest heart, good coexists with evil.In the story of deers and wolves, people simply thought that deers could live better without wolves.As a matter of fact, deers could not live without wolves.They maintained an appropriate balance in the forest.But for the chasing of wolves, deers couldn\\'t be strong and healthy.Similarly, when separated, the good side of Dr.Jekyll became weaker and weaker.Instead, the evil side of him became stronger and stronger without the restraint of the good side.But the evil side, Mr.Hyde couldn\\'t live without Dr.Jekyll, because they shared a body.So when Dr.Jekyll committed suicide, Mr.Hyde dead,too.
It is too late for Dr.Jekyll to realize that having two characters is nothing to be ashamed of.But I learned a lot from this novella.There is a "Jekyll" and a "Hyde" in everybody.I will face up to my desires and try to strengthen heart for good to defeat the devil.Nothing is difficult in the world for one who sets his mind to do it.
在我读这本书的时候 , 时间时半夜2点半、因为之前读过史蒂文森的另一本著作《金银岛》 , 所以在看到书名时就把它当作一个中篇冒险小说来看 , 哪知越看越恐怖 。