《简爱》读后感如何写?( 二 )

在文学史上 , 《简爱》这本书无疑是十分成功的 , 她深深地进入人们的灵魂 , 以一种不可抗拒的美吸引了成千上万的读者 , 影响着人们的精神世界 。这本书的作者夏洛蒂勃朗特以自我为原型 , 创造了一个前所未有的女性形象——对于平等、独立、完整、自由的坚持和追求的坚强女性 。她认为 , “真正的幸福 , 在于完美的精神世界和高尚纯洁的心灵 。”
《简爱》就像是现实生活中的“灰姑娘”的奋斗史 , 在书中 , 简爱坚强地应对各种困难挫折 , 她还追求男女间的平等 , 穷人与富人之间的平等 。正如她所说的那样:“我跟你一样有灵魂 , 也同样有一颗心!”简爱虽然貌不惊人 , 身材矮小 , 但她拥有不一样寻常的气质 , 就像懂得反抗 , 争取自由等 , 这让她变得光彩夺目 。简爱她有自我的尊严 , 她努力维护自我的尊严 , 正如她说过的一句话:“当我无缘无故挨打时 , 我们应当狠狠回击……”这便是简爱具有反抗精神的体现 。我想也正是这种精神 , 使《简爱》这本书经久不衰 。
《简爱》这部小说自出版以来 , 以不一样语言在全世界不一样种族的人们中广为流传 。此刻简爱已作为独立女性的经典 。我期望不管是贫穷 , 还是富有;不管是貌美如花 , 还是相貌平庸的女性 , 都能够拥有完美的心灵和宽阔的心胸 , 都能以独立和坚强的个性生活 。


this is a story about a special and unreserved woman who has been exposed to a hostile environment but continuously and fearlely struggling for her ideal life.the story can be interpreted as a symbol of the independent spirit.
it seems to me that many readers\\' english reading experience
starts with jane eyer.i am of no exception.as we refer to the movie “jane eyer”, it is not surprising to find some differences because of its being filmized and retold in a new way, but the spirit of the novel remains----to be an independent person, both physically and mentally.
jane eyer was a born resister, whose parents went off when she was very young, and her aunt,the only relative she had,treated her as badly as a ragtag.since jane\\'s education in lowwood orphanage began, she didn\\'t get what she had been expecting——simply being regarded as a common person, just the same as any other girl around.the suffers from being humiliated and devastated teach jane to be persevering and prize dignity over anything else.as a reward of
revolting the ruthle oppreion, jane got a chance to be a tutor in thornfield garden.there she made the acquaintance of lovely adele and that garden\\'s owner, rochester, a man with warm heart despite a cold face outside.jane expected to change the life from then on, but fate had decided otherwise: after jane and rochester fell in love with each other and got down to get marry, she unfortunately came to know in fact rochester had got a legal wife, who seemed to be the shadow following rochester and led to his moodine all the time ----rochester was also a despairing person in need of salvation.jane did want to give him a hand, however, she made up her mind to leave,