六年级作文看图写作怎么写?( 二 )

在现实生活中着样的例子还少吗?在禁止丢垃圾的牌子下 , 有一大堆的垃圾;在禁止抽烟的公共场地上有人抽上了烟 。
假文盲请不要再做文盲了 , 不要丢弃自己的道德品质 , 快去找回你们那颗善良的心吧!我相信只要人人献出一点爱 , 世界将会更美好!


The Impact of the Internet on Interpersonal Communication
As is described in the caricature, a father asks her daughter how her school today goes on.Instead of answering directly, the daughter tells her father to read her blog.It is common that youngsters nowadays incline to communicate with others on internet increasingly, and lack communication with people around them.With the development of Internet, it has influenced our society to a large extent, especially interpersonal communication.
First of all , we can communicate with others whenever and wherever via internet.Otherwise, we would have to arrange our schedules strictly in advance .Moreover , interpersonal communication through the internet is not restricted by space.For example, in most multinational corporations, instant meages and video conferences help colleagues solve problems timely and efficiently.Last but not least, the internet can greatly speed up our interpersonal communication.Whereas, there are also disadvantages that the internet brings to us.More and more people complained that they have lost face-to-face communicating opportunities .As a result, people become indifferent to each other in real life.Some netizens who are immersed in virtual world even have difficulty in making friends in reality.
Taking into account what has been argued , it’s not difficult job for me to draw a conclusion that the internet could bring us both convenience and adverse .Of crucial importance , in my opinion , is how we should strike a balance between them and make the best of the internet.


今天 , 我看了一位著名漫画家华君武的漫画——《假文盲》 , 令我气愤难平 。
在寒风呼啸的一天 , 几位穿的厚厚实实、虎背熊腰的大汉旁若无人地在屋子上车处站成一排队“母子上车处”五个大字视而不见 , 一位穿着单薄的妇女正报着孩子无可奈何地望着假文盲 , 拿下大汉却对妇女无动于衷 , 脸不改色 , 心不跳 , 心安理得地站着 , 装作若无其事的样子 。这些大汉真可耻 , 真可恶 , 真缺德!
这些假文盲为了自己的利益和方便却扔掉了自己的公德心 , 把道德出卖给了魔鬼 , 他们不为这样缺乏公德、自私自利、损人利己的行为而感到羞耻吗?他们不是文盲 , 而是道德盲目 , 他们破坏了这个社会的公德 , 破坏了人与人之间的和谐 。