龟兔赛跑英语小作文怎么写?( 三 )

The rabbit rushed into the gate and flew to the staircase. "Drums and drums" climb up. But the turtle came to the elevator in an orderly way and pressed the elevator. "Ding Dong" elevator came, and the tortoise walked in.
The fifteen floor, the sixteen floor, the seventeen floor, the eighteen floor, the nineteen floor, the top floor. Well, here it is. The tortoise comes to the rooftop, looks left, looks right, looks left, right looks. How come the rabbit hasn't come yet?
The rabbit climbed up the stairs gasping for breath. It climbed, climbed, climbed and climbed. It thought, "why not?"
The rabbit finally climbed to the top floor. It seems that the rabbit climbing the stairs is really tired! When it climbs up the stairs and climbs out of breath, it sees the tortoise wearing a pair of sunglasses, holding hands and stepping on the rhythm. The tortoise, who saw the rabbit, picked up the sunglasses with temperament and said, "you finally come!"
The rabbit looked so arrogant that he fainted on the spot.


The rabbit has been very dissatisfied since he lost to tortoise in the last match. One day, he met the tortoise again. The rabbit proposed to replay the game. The turtle promised quickly. They asked the buffalo uncle to be a referee.
Buffalo's uncle said, "this competition will start with a waterway, then a land road." The rabbit disagreed: "I can't swim. What can I do?" Uncle buffalo wanted to say, "well, you can bring some simple tools." "Well, tomorrow is compared." The rabbit and the tortoise said in the same voice.
On the second day, buffalo's uncle ordered the competition to start. The rabbit threw the bamboo raft down the river and rowed desperately to the other side. But the turtle can swim after all. He swam to the opposite bank first and set foot on the skateboard to rush towards the finish line. When the rabbit came ashore, the tortoise had run for a long time, but the rabbit ran too fast. He soon surpassed the tortoise. This time, the rabbit learned the lesson of the last failure, and did not dare to take it lightly. He looked back. Why, how did the turtle disappear? After a closer look, the tortoise was eager to win. The skateboard hit and fell on the stone and was lying on the ground and turned over. The rabbit turned around and ran to the tortoise, running back to the finish line, carrying the tortoise.
When they arrived at the finish line, there was a loud applause. The turtle said, "thank you, you are the real champion." The rabbit waved and said, "no, we reached the finish line together." At this time, buffalo uncle announced: "the rabbit and tortoise won the tied champion." At once the cheers of the whole field were high.


Since the last time the tortoise Cong win has won the game, the rabbits are still unhappy every day.