我家的姐姐作文如何写?( 四 )

timecoffeeteapastriessandwiches 730-103026511027550 1030-2301855095100 230-5301453515040 530-8302007580110
The sales made by this coffee shop illustrate a very distinguishable feature as below.From the table, we can easily see that the drinks and pastries sold have a selling peak during early morning and afternoon while the sandwiches sold are mainly focused on lunch and supper time.Beside this, the best selling item is coffee which counts up to almost half of the total selling number of the stock per day.Comparing to tea, both of coffee and tea have a well selling time in the morning and after 5:30.However, coffee has a second selling peak around 10:30 to 2:30 and the sales last to 8:30 with a relatively stable selling number per hour.On contrast, the situation between pastries and sandwiches sold are different from coffee and tea.The table shows that the pastries has a better selling time at 7:30 to 10:30 and 2:30 to 5:30 than sandwiches and the sales of sandwiches are in opposite compare to pastries.To sum up, coffee is the daily best selling item and people usually pair up coffee and pastries then buy them together.Also, the sandwiches have a good sale during lunch and supper time.


我有一个很爱我关心我的姐姐 , 她是我舅舅的女儿 , 她比我大三岁 。他们一家在浙江嘉兴 。她有一头黑发 , 梳着马尾辫 , 额头高高的 , 两只水汪汪的大眼睛特别有神 。
她说话柔柔的 , 一张鹅蛋脸看上去文静秀气 , 还透着灵气 。她的学习成绩很好 , 是学校的大队长和三好学生!常常和一百分做朋友 , 家里挂满了奖状 , 常常有同学打电话问她问题 , 她当然是有问必答 , 帮同学排忧解难 。
姐姐喜爱爱看书、运动、旅游和音乐 。她最喜爱的是看书 , 看起书来没完没了 , 是一个地地道道的“书迷” , 她喜爱看《史记》、《老子》、《庄子》、四大名著等许多部古典著作 , 她一边看书还边做点记录 , 以便在自己的学习中运用 , 所以她的作文很好 , 常在南湖晚报上发表呢 。她拉二胡已三年多了 , 不管学习再忙 , 她每天都要练一个小时左右 , 她拉琴的那种投入与专注让我很佩服 , 现在她已考完八级了 , 历害吧!而且她是学校民乐队缺一不可的成员 , 多次在比赛中获得金奖 。姐姐还喜爱骑车 , 春秋季节 , 休息天她常和舅舅一起骑车去乡下欣赏美丽的田野风光 。
这就是我的姐姐 , 一个兴趣广泛 , 学习优异的女孩 , 我祝她今年能考上一所理想的'中学 。
