学生感恩的英文演讲稿怎么写?( 二 )

感恩之路其实并不漫长 。要学会感恩 , 必须要有一颗感恩的心 。首先 , 感恩你的父母 , 师长 , 朋友 。当你还是个孩童的时候 , 当你在学习在生活上遇到困难的时候 , 他们都会站在你身边 。若你真想学会感恩 , 就从他们身上开始吧 。为父母分担一件家务 , 为老师献上一束鲜花 , 为同学解答一道难题 。或许你所做的不足以报答他们 , 但 , 感恩所需的不是物质的尘埃 , 而是心灵的无暇 。是的 , 感激他们吧 , 也只有这样 , 你才会慢慢学会感恩 , 而不是让心沦入只懂索取的沙漠 , 不能自拔 。
Then, go Thanksgiving those people strangers. Although you do not know do not know them, but they are also for the society and the job. It is their labor, and create the social material and spiritual beauty. Well, they is not worth it to you grateful for it? Perhaps you will say, we can not do anything for them, but we are a member of society, doing their job, a building block for society, is one of the best return on the.
而后 , 去感恩那些素不相识的人们 。你虽然不认识也不了解他们 , 但他们也在为这个社会而工作着 。也正是他们的劳动 , 创造了这个社会物质与精神的美 。那么 , 他们难道不值得你去感激么?或许你会说 , 我们无法为他们做些什么 , 但我们都是社会的一份子 , 做好自己的工作 , 为社会添砖加瓦 , 就是对他们最好的回报了 。
When you will be the source of Thanksgiving into the bottom of my heart, you will find that not only helped you appreciate the talent is worth. Your opponent, or even the enemy, but also with a heart of thanksgiving to face. It is true that they give you harm, pain and helplessness, but it is on these, you will develop, will grow only at a time of struggle and repeated failure to find the true meaning of success. Thanksgiving your enemies, which requires greater courage and noble spirit. When you do this, the Thanksgiving flowers you have in mind the blooming quietly.
当你将感恩化为心底的泉源的时候 , 你会发现 , 并不只有帮助过你的人才值得感激 。你的对手 , 甚或敌人 , 也要用一颗感恩的心去面对 。诚然 , 他们给过你伤害 , 痛楚与无奈 , 但正靠了这些 , 你才会发展 , 才会壮大 , 才会在一次次的奋斗与一次次的失败中找到成功的真谛 。感恩你的敌人 , 这需要更大的勇气与崇高的精神 。当你做到这一点时 , 感恩之花 , 已在你心中悄然绽放了 。