glitters|glitters is not gold

glitters(glitters is not gold)
金子价值高 , 会闪闪发光 , 如果是自己的金子 , 被亮瞎也是毫无怨言的 , 但是会发光的并非都是金子 , 灯通电的时候也会发光 , all that glitters is not gold 直译为“闪光的不都是金子” , 有的时候在翻译成中文的时候 , 也可以直接用它的字面意思 , 因为我们中国人都明白 , 它寓意:

the shining outer look of something is not a consistent sign of its real character

not everyone that appears good, turns out to be good

not everything that is apparently glittery is precious

something that looks to be perfect but not in real

【glitters|glitters is not gold】



My grandmother advised me to be careful about making new friends because all that glitters is not gold.
我祖母建议我在交新朋友时要小心 , 因为闪光的东西不是金子 。

After being cheated by many handsome guys, she finally realised that all that glitters is not gold.
在被许多帅哥骗了之后 , 她终于意识到好看的人不一定百思特网心地好 。

I know that Christie is a beautiful girl but don't forget all that glitters is not gold.
我知道克里斯蒂是个漂亮的女孩 , 但别忘了好看的人不一定心地好 。

Mark recently bought an attractive wrist-watch, and it stopped after few weeks. All that glitters is not gold.
马克最近买了一块漂亮的手表 , 几周后就停了 。漂亮的外表并不一定适用 。

I never prefer to wear a bling rather I like being relaxed - all that glitters is not gold!
我从不喜欢戴珠宝首饰 , 而喜欢放松——戴了也不代表我就光鲜亮丽!

我始终坚信在平凡的岗位也能干出金子般闪光的伟业来 。但是我们的实力要跟得上我们的理想 , 特别是成功之前的努力 。
glitters|glitters is not gold