Why did not you, I will be sad
In fact, really nothing is forget and not put, but time is not enough
实在真得没有什么是忘不了和放不下的 , 只是时间还不够
The world I want you, the other I pretend not to see it.
全世界我只想要你 , 别人再好我都冒充看不到
I love you, but to pretend to be of no importance to you and others with ambiguous words.
明显好爱你、却要装做无关痛痒的听你和别人说着暧昧的情话 。
Even the doomed eternally, also want to walk with you
就算万劫不复 , 也要与你偕行
Many people say that their impenetrable actually already hurt not fit to be seen.
The most ridiculous thing in the world is, I know the truth, are you still there lie.
世界上最可笑的事是 , 我知道了真相 , 你还在那儿说谎 。
Why did not you, I will be sad
凭什么没有你 , 我就要忧伤
To be a strong but gentle so girl
【Why did not you, I will be sad】 I don’t expect anything, just wish you a woman as one.
我不奢望什么 , 只希望你以后的女人一个不如一个 。
Why to prove anything, to live better, is for yourself.
何须向人证实什么 , 生涯得更好 , 乃是为你自己 。
本人已于昨晚十二点追随阎王而去 。天气寒冷 , 死于炎热 – 别人都装处 , 我只好装经验丰富 。世界上最开心的事 , 莫过于从洗完的衣服里找到了钞票 我的心不是公交,不是有空位子你就可以坐下 。美 , 是要付出代价的 , 尤其是臭美! 什么叫秀恩爱死的快 就是女生每天躺在男生的肩膀上睡觉 最后男生得了肩周炎 女生得了颈椎病 不治身亡 前男友发信息让我去参加他的婚礼 , 我淡定的回了三个字:下次去 。如果你是一朵花、那牛都不拉粪了 。爱睡觉 , 但是我是最苗条的排骨猪 。﹌ 你对我访问有限 我让你黑名单见 。这世道 , 整死Q宠比整死一个
If at first you can see the happiness
I don’t love you, like a even their own can not cheat the past lies
我不爱你 , 好像是个连自己都骗不过去的谣言
In addition to death, all the leaves are betrayed
除了殒命 , 所有的脱离都是倒戈
Leave you, I cannot cry, because you do not cherish me.
脱离你 , 我不会哭 , 由于你没珍惜我
I write to you miss in your signature, but you do not know
我把对你的忖量写在署名里 , 可是你却不知道 。
Lovelorn again how, can you put other songs, listening to the voice so lonely
失恋了又若何 , 可不可以别放情歌 , 那声音听着好寥寂
Sometimes I think I’m, but many ways of orbital
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