妇女节英文|三八妇女节英语怎么说( 二 )

14、愿你年轻如花丽 , 漂亮娇艳活力溢!
May you be as young as beautiful, beautiful, charming and vibrant!
15、妇女节就要到了 , 祝福你永远幸福快乐!
Women’s Day is coming. Wish you happiness forever!
16、有人宠 , 有人爱 , 爱情甜蜜 , 生活美满 , 天天笑靥如花!
Some are spoiled, some love, sweet love, happy life, every day smiles like flowers!
17、妇女节 , 愿你年轻美貌 , 漂亮俊俏!
Women’s day, may you be beautiful and beautiful!
18、妇女节 , 提前祝你开心幸福 , 年轻美丽一辈子!
Women’s day, I wish you a happy and happy life, young and beautiful forever!
19、借今天妇女节 , 送去我真心的祝愿 , 愿你开心快乐相伴 , 幸福生活甜甜 。
With today’s women’s day, I send you my sincere wishes, wishing you a happy and happy life and a sweet life.
20、三八妇女节 , 祝你青春永驻 , 快乐永远!
38 women’s day, I wish you eternal youth, happiness forever!
You can do almost anything you put your mind to… You can swim the deepest ocean and climb the highest peak. Be a doctor or fly a plane. You can face adversity and still walk tall. You are strong, beautiful, compassionate and much more than words could ever say! Today is yours and so is every other day. Happy Women’s Day!
你可以做任何想做的事!你可以在最深的海洋里畅游 , 也可以攀岩峰;你可以成为一名医生 , 也可以驾驶飞机在蓝天翱翔 。面对逆境 , 你可以屡败屡战!你很强大、美丽、慈悲 , 好得无以名状!今天是你的日子 , 其他任何日子也属于你!妇女节快乐!
Through the years, I have shared so much with you, both bitter and sweet. You have been such a comfort to me, helping me in every way, and all I wanna say today is: Sis, I treasure you close to my heart.
这些年 , 我和你分享了如此多的酸甜苦辣 。你是我的安慰 , 在方方面面给予我帮助 。今天我想说的是:亲爱的姐姐/妹妹 , 我把你珍藏在内心最深处 。
For all the times you’ve brought a smile and made my days seem brighter. For sharing ups and downs with me and making my burdens lighter. For doing the caring things that make a special friend. Your friendship is a joy. I wish it never ends! Happy Women’s Day!
你总是带给我微笑 , 为我的生活增添光明 。和我分享人生的起起落落 , 为我分忧解难 。关怀我 , 成为我特别的朋友 。你的友谊带给我快乐 , 希望它永远长存!妇女节快乐!
The world because of had the woman, but appears particularlybeautiful! The regards are only the short several lines, is actually a thicktrue meaning! Wishes the March Eighth to be joyful, is forever youngattractively!
世界因为有了女人 , 而显得分外美丽!问候只是短短的几行 , 却是一个浓浓的真意!祝三八节快乐 , 永远年轻漂亮!