success的用法|核心词汇succeed所有考点解析( 二 )
4. He sacrificed his own career so that his avaricious brother could succeed.
他牺牲了自己的事业 , 这样他贪婪的弟弟才能成功 。
5. His natural shrewdness tells him what is needed to succeed.
他与生俱来的精明告诉他成功所需要的一切 。
6. His opposition acted as a goad to her determination to succeed.
他的反对反而刺激她坚定了取得成功的决心 。
7. He’s realistic enough to know he’s not going to succeed overnight.
他很现实 , 知道自己的成功不会一蹴而就 。
8. His critics write him off as too cautious to succeed.
批评他的人不把他当回事 , 认为他太过谨慎 , 不能成事 。
9. In the past he has pooh-poohed suggestions that he might succeed Isaacs.
过去他对自己会接替艾萨克斯之说嗤之以鼻 。
10. I think that there is every chance that you will succeed.
我想你取得成功的机会很大 。
11. His son, Arthur Ochs Junior, is expected to succeed him as publisher.
他的儿子 , 小阿瑟奥克斯 , 有望子承父业继续从事出版 。
12. If you believe in yourself you can succeed.
只要自信 , 就能成功 。
13. He has it in him to succeed.
他具备成功的潜质 。
14. To succeed, you must learn to overcome obstacles.
必须学会克服困难才能成功 。
15. Barring accidents, I believe they will succeed.
【success的用法|核心词汇succeed所有考点解析】不出意外的话 , 我相信他们会成功的 。
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