
英音  [ˈætʃɪsn] 
美音 [ˈætʃɪsən] 
Acheson 基本解释
艾奇逊(姓氏; Dean Gooderham, 1893-1971,于1949-1953年任美国国务卿)
中文词源Acheson 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释But what acheson says here is not quite right .艾奇逊在这里说得不恰当 。
Besides cutting off the relations between nationalist , however , acheson does not get any accomplishment in other aspects of his china policy .但除了彻底断绝与国民政府关系方面有果断的决定外,对华政策的其他部分,艾其逊并未展现任何成果 。
The secretary of state recalled the words of dean acheson : " the ability to evoke support from other " is " quite as important as the capacity to compel " .这位美国国务卿记起了迪安艾奇逊(deanacheson)的名言:“吸引他人支持的能力与支配他人的能力同等重要” 。
But acheson 's remark is also half false .但是艾奇逊的话有一半是说错了 。
Dean acheson recognized these truths in his day . They have not dimmed with the passage of time .艾奇逊在他那个时代就认识到这些真理,它们并没有随着时间的推移而褪色 。