四年级新学期学习计划范文有没有?( 四 )

9、多学习一些例如《文心雕龙》,《易经》之类中国古文化典籍 。
10、争取利用周末时间多学一门外语 。
学习是要靠自己自觉,在已经经历过高考进入大学我们而言,也许很多人都会因此放纵自己,但是我们要坚信,如果在大学里没有养成好学习习惯,那么我们大学四年生活就等于是浪费,这是人生黄金时光,我们应该努力多学点东西 。因此坚决执行此计划,鼓励自己,学有所成!


Paage One
Do you remember the time when people were a litter nicer and gentler with each other? I certainly do.And I feel that much of the world has somehow gotten away form that.Too often I see people rushing into elevators without giving those inside a chance out first, or never saying "Thank you" when others hold the door open for them.We get lazy.And in our lazine, we think that something, like a simple "Thank You" doesn\\'t really matter.But it can matter very much.The fact that no matter how nicely we dre, or how beautifully we decorate we home, we can\\'t be truly elegant without good manners because elegance and good manners always go hand in hand.In fact, I think of the good manners as a sort of hidden beauty secret.Haven\\'t you noticed that the kindest, most generous people seem to keep getting prettier? It\\'s funny how that happens.But it does.Take the long-lost art of saying "Thank you" like wearing a little makeup or making sure your hair is neat.Getting into the habit of saying "Thank you" can make you feel better about yourself.Good manners add to you image while an angry face makes the best dreed person look ugly.
Questions 11 to 13 are based on the paage you have just heard.
Q11: What is the paage mainly about?
Q12: What does the speaker say about the people of the past?
Q13: According to the speaker, how could we best improve our image?Paage Two
"Go to the playground and have fun." Parents will often say to their kids.But they should remember playgrounds can be dangerous.Each year about 200,000 children end up in hospital emergency rooms with playground injures.Many injures involve falls from too-high equipment onto too-hard surfaces.Nearly 70% of the injures happen on public playgrounds.Recent studies show they maybe badly designed that protective services are inadequate and their equipments is poorly maintained.Parents should make sure that the equipment in playground is safe and that children are playing safely.Last year the national programme for playground safety gave the nation\\'s playground a grade of "C" for safety after visiting more than 3,000 playgrounds nationwide.Parents should watch closely.They should always be within shouting and running distance of their children.Young children don\\'t understand cause-and-effect, so they may run in front of moving swings.They\\'re also better at climbing up than getting down, so they may panic at the top of a ladder.It\\'s important for children to know you\\'re watching them.Once they feel that sense of security, that\\'s when they can be creative.