小学生评语怎么写?( 二 )
11、王兆华:你诚实乖巧,对老师有礼貌,能与同学友好相处,能按时去打扫包干区卫生 。你热爱学习,能认真完成老师布置的作业,可有很多次你都由于审题不清与好成绩擦肩而过,多么可惜啊!及时调整自己,细心一点吧!老师相信你一定能做到 。
12、你是一个思想纯朴、心地善良的男孩 。上课专心听讲,回答问题总少不了你的参与 。能积极参加学校开展的各项活动,尊敬老师,团结同学 。因此,深受同学和老师的喜爱 。如果你把细心当朋友,在学习中尽量少一些失误,你一定会非常出色 。
13、“人生如同做雕塑,捏好的好便是一个成功的巨作 。否则,只能是一堆一文不值的泥巴 。”老师衷心的希望你能时刻检查自己,保持良好的状态,迎接以后的学习和生活,为自己捏一个成功的雕塑 。
14、你是一个表面文静、内心活泼的女孩 。你尊敬师长,友爱同学 。令老师高兴的是,上课也能见到你举手发言,但平时作业不够自觉,时而有拖拉现象,希望你做一名自觉、自爱、守信用的好孩子 。
15、在我班男生中,你是最认真,最守纪,最像男子汉的一个!你尊敬师长,团结同学,工作负责,积极上进,有一定管理能力,围棋也下得非常漂亮 。男孩子们以你为荣 。如果能把字练好,你会更加令人钦佩!
1、You are an honest and hardworking girl.You leave me a very deep impression.No pains,no gains.I hope you will make more progress in English study in the future.
2、You are a hardworking girl.You have a gift for English study.Where there is a will,there is a way.Wish you a fantastic future.
3、You are a straight-forward boy.I appreciate your creativeness on class.I hope you can make more improvement on your handwriting in later day.
4、You are an earnest and hardworking girl.Your English is very good.I hope you can take part in more class activities.Wish you a terrific future.
5、You are a shy but hardworking girl.Try to be more active on class.Be confident,you are the best.
6、You are an honest boy.You are good at running and jumping.Wish you be a superstar in the near future on Olympics.
7、You are an excellent boy.Your school performance is very good.Pay more attention on English study.Wish you a successful future.
8、You are a clever girl.You have a good memory.I enjoy your activeness on calss.I hope you will prove yourself as all gold will shine.
9、You are an intelligent boy.You have the ability on language learning.Wish you step into your ideal university and learn your favourite major.
10、You are a diligent boy.You leave me an impression of hardworking.Hope you can achieve your dream.
11、You are an ambitious boy.You are a good leader.You have an innovational mind.Hope you will achieve your dream.
12、You are a smart boy.Though you have some troubles on English study.I wish you can get a good performance on all subjects.
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