
旅游92 王荣 095406
首先,我谨代表酒店领导及全体员工对大家的到来表示热烈的欢迎 。
你们选择了喜来登,为这个大家庭注入了新鲜的血液,增强了活力 。从一名学生到新员工,从一名新员工到优秀员工要经过一个历练的过程,恳请大家尽快做好角色转换,将所学的专业知识充分发挥出来,为企业的发展注入新知识、新理念、新力量 。我们要看到希望、看到未来,发挥个人的聪明才智,为酒店的发展出谋划策,努力成为企业的优秀人才 。你们年轻好学,富有知识和朝气 。你们将是喜来登集团创新发展的重要力量 。希望同学们尽快适应酒店,融入团队 。
Hotel New Employee words of welcome
Dear students, the new employees:
Welcome to the Sheraton Hotel!
First of all, on behalf of the hotel leadership and all staff welcome your arrival warmly.
You have chosen Sheraton, injecting fresh blood into a large family, enhancing vigor.From a student to a new
employee, from a new employee to the excellent staff ,we will go through a training proce, so I urge everyone to change your roles as soon as poible, to exert your knowledge into your work.Injecting new knowledge, new ideas, new power for the development of enterprises.
We can see the hope, see the future, play our ability and cleverne to give suggestions for the development of the hotel and strive to become the enterprise talents.You are young and hardworking, and you have rich knowledge and spirit.You will be the main force in the development of hotel group innovation.I hope that you will adapt to the hotel, integrate into the team.


xx酒店在这样一个多彩的世界中,把时代的脉搏,与时俱进,致力于健康领域的潜心探索,励志成为推进人类健康,创造财富人生的领航者,让文化、产业、健康和财富在xx酒店得到和谐的统一和完美的展现 。这是xx酒店人不懈追求的使命和社会责任,也是xx酒店人激越智慧的真实展现 。合抱之木,生于毫末;九层之台,起于累士;千里之行,始于足下 。成功是点点滴滴、日日月月积累起来的 。奋发xx酒店 。耿耿足下,xx酒店凭借着永恒的制胜法则———感恩、责任、回报、共赢、尊重、不断吸纳高素质人才,完善科学管理机制,开发高科技含量的产品,加强产品的品质监控,提供无微不至的星级服务,开创出xx酒店的`事业领地 。
文化是企业的灵魂,更是企业发展的基石和成功根本 。xx酒店在全国广泛开设特许经营加盟机构的同时,保持企业文化的领先地位,借助教育培训带动企业成长,打造学习性组织和高绩效团队,提升企业竞争力、抗风险能力和综合素质 。