
姓名:严婷婷 班级:08英语1班 学号:0812010007
Hope is of Great Importance in One’s life
Of the topics reflected in the movie The Shawshank Redemption I give my vote to hope.When it comes to hope, people often say, “so archaic a topic,” “Too much has been discued about it.” “Do you think others will be interested in things having been said again and again?” Against these people, what I want to argue is that just like love and faith, hope is an eternal topic.No matter how the times change, hope will never be out of date.No matter what achievements we human have made, the work of arousing people’s inner hope and emphasizing hope’s value can never be stopped.Furthermore, if you really have true feelings towards hope, then you can always have something valuable to say and will have empathy with others.
Andy Dufresne, imprisoned in Shawshank for 27 years, has never given up his plans to escape the cage.Imagining a man, under the effects of the long-term incarceration, surrounded by the air of desperation and numbne, still can make his own plans, do his own things, and never go with the flow.It is unbelievable but it is true.It is out of hope that he endures all the hardship, carefully works out a plan of escape and finally sets himself free.Hope for renewal, hope for a better life indeed can save a man .Just as Andy says in his letter to Red ,“……Hope is a good thing, may be the best of things, and no good thing ever dies”.Hope can not only help you conquer the darkne and secure liberty, but also influence the people around you.Take Red as an example, Andy’s strong faith in hope has changed his perception of life, saved him from desperation, and encouraged him to seek for peace and happine in his remaining years.Just as someone has mentioned, “Hope is like sunshine, illuminating all the darkne of the world”.The scene must be very familiar to us that Andy should chip away at a cement wall for an unknown number of years! What a magic power hope is! It makes a man so patient and perseverant!
Many examples can be found about the importance of hope.During WWI, Thomas Mann, a famous German writer, published a long novel Magic mountain .The protagonist, Hans Castorp was diagnosed tuberculosis when he visited a treatment center of tuberculosis in Davos Village in Alps, that is the Magic Mountain.During
the 7 years of his staying there, Hans Castorp witneed the extremely corrupt life of bourgeois cla and their abnormal psyche.The evil reality even makes Hans come to such a conclusion that a person is destined to death once falling into the world.However, he is enlightened later.There is still love, beauty and goodne in this world worth pursuing.Just with the hope Hans abandons the idea of death and leaves the treatment center and starts his new life.
Helen Keller, with whom we are very familiar, is the deafblind American author, political activist, and lecturer.When we mention her, no one will not be moved and shocked by her experiences and achievements.Although many people help her, her determination and hope towards her future life is the real source for her succe.