肖申克的救赎观后感如何写?( 三 )

Still some people live without any hope, but they still live.We call these people the living dead.They are alive, but they are more like the dead because they have no hope towards their life.They are humans, but they are more like other animals, because they live just for meeting basic physical needs, like eating, drinking, and sleeping.They can do nothing useful to the society as well as themselves.From these
we can see that how poor those people without hope are and how significant hope is!
What is hope? Hope is the belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one\\'s life.It is a feeling of what is wanted can be had or that things will turn out for the best.Hope is what keeps most people going.Hope truly is a spiritual bleing from god.So those of you that read this and feel down trodden, remember there is always this bleing.As Andy Dufresne would say, “no good thing ever dies." May you hear "hope" every day regardle of where you are.(1368)


肖申克的救赎讲述了年轻的银行家安迪误认为是杀害其妻子与情人的凶手 , 而被冤入狱 , 最终通过自己的聪明才智成功越狱 , 获得自由之身的故事 。
安迪入狱后 , 结识了黑人瑞德 , 瑞德告诉安迪:刚入狱的时候 , 你痛恨周围的高墙 , 慢慢的你习惯生活在其中 , 最终你会发现自己不得不依靠它而生存 , 那就是体制化 。瑞德的这段话无疑是告诉安迪 , 希望是危险的`东西 , 是精神苦闷的根源 。可是安迪却并不这样认为 , 希望从来不会破灭 , 他们可以关住人身自由 , 而内心的自由与希望是他们所触摸不到的 。
在狱中 , 因他学过金融管理 , 最终谋得一份图书管理员的工作 , 为了让身边的狱友们能喝到冰啤 , 为狱卒逃税 , 最后为狱警洗黑钱 。直到后面又送进一批犯人 , 其中一个犯人告诉他谋杀他妻子与情人是另一个人 , 当他把这件事告诉狱警 , 换来的是告知之人的死讯和他被关二个月的禁闭 。狱警为了他能继续洗黑钱而选择把他永远的留在牢中 , 最终安迪明白真正的救赎只有靠自己 , 他用十九年时间用小铁槌凿开了美女图后的墙壁 , 爬过了500米的臭水沟 , 在那个电闪雷鸣、风雨交加的晚上 , 看着安迪拥抱自由的神情 , 我深深为他寻求自由希望所震撼 。
记得前面老布获得假释后 , 因习惯不了监狱之外的生活 , 而选择了自杀 , 无疑让我们看到在心灵受到束缚后而躯体回到生活中却习惯不了自由 , 精神与希望破灭后 , 人将走到尽头 。