
在我们平凡的日常里,大家最不陌生的就是作文了吧,作文是通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法 。那么你有了解过作文吗?下面是小编为大家整理的车祸优秀作文,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢 。
现在的时代,社会在不断地进步 。一条条笔直的大道,一座座立交桥,来往车辆川流不息 。但是,我们的生命却在这些危险中 。
【车祸优秀作文怎么写?】车祸这个词语,想必世界上的人都耳熟能详,每每在街道旁准备过马路时,不知有多少人小心翼翼着,生怕自己在下一秒内就遇上车祸这类惨不忍睹的交通事故?看着视频里那些活生生,血淋淋的'教训,我就替他们可惜,可惜这些鲜活的生命就这样没了 。
所有车祸中:醉酒驾车,超速行驶,无证驾驶,是所占最多的 。
“开车不喝酒,喝酒不开车!”电视上经常出现这一类的广告语 。但是,多年来有多少人就是死于醉酒驾驶?这些人就为了贪这几杯酒,不顾生命 。最后却酿成了大错……
接下来,我们再来讲讲这超速驾驶 。看完视频,我一直很疑惑,司机们为什么这么喜欢超速行驶呢?就为了追求快感?以自身的生命为代价,这也太不值了吧!
最后,轮到了无证驾驶了 。唉,这些为此付出生命的人呐,实在是太不聪明了,没考过驾照就驾车上路,不知道自己比那些考过驾照的人的对突发状况的反应能力差一点吗?不仅如此,这样还会受到法律制裁 。这样,值吗?
其实,还有其他不是因为以上而发生的车祸,这些都是驾驶人的疏忽和不遵守交通法规的后果 。我希望:广大人民群众不要再为此而丧失自己宝贵的生命 。不要再让我们的生命就这样早早逝去 。徒留给自己在天国的懊悔,和给家人的心伤!


Accidents in a Chinese City
According to the chart,we clearly learn the statistics of traffic accidents happening in a Chinese city, which reflects that there has been a sharp rise in the number of accidents in 2005.It reveals that the problem of accidents should be emphasized.
There are many reasons accounting for the accidents.Among all these factors,drivers turning left without due care plays a critical role,which increased 10 percent to 608.Furthermore, accidents resulted from drivers driving under the influence of alcohol created the greatest rise.What\\'s more,pedestrians croing roads carelely also have a lot to do with the increase of the number.
From what has been discued above,we may safely draw the conclusion that countermeasures should be taken immediately to reverse the grim situation.As far as I\\'m concerned,on the one hand,traffic laws and regulations should be established,on the other hand,driver\\'s license examination should be more strict.Only in this way can we create a better harmonious society.