商人妇读后感怎么写?( 二 )

)In this article, the writer use the method of psychological study of characters as well as comparason to analysize each charactor in this play, showing the profoundatmosphere of the humanism at the beginning of bourgeoism.It exprees the writer’s thinking of current society and people’s life, at the same time, he puts his ideal dream in his play.In this play, the writer criticizes Shylock, the typical role of the Capitalist society, while the writer gives the ideal elements of humanism to Portia, a woman with the beauty both in her appearance and her inner heart.In such a way, the play leave the impreion that women make a breakthrough in their rights, equality and recognization.In the proce of liberating, women play a very important role.
2.Plot: Baanio fall in love with Portia, but he has nothing else, so he turn to his friend Antonio.Antonio would like to help
Baanio, but he has no money at hand, so he borrows money from Shylock on one condition that Antonio must return the money on time, or he will lose one pound of his meat.Antonio accepts, and promises that he could return, However, Antonio’s ship couldn’t return on time, so he fail to return money.Shylock hates Antonio because he always helps poor, which affects his busine.So Shylock determines to kill Antonio.When they go to the court to judge Antonio’s crime, the judger has no any idea to help Antonio, at the very moment, Portia appeares as a judger, and she comes up with a good idea to help Antonio, finally she succeeds, what’s more, she gives Shylock a serious punishment for his mean and sympathylene.
Charactors Shylock: a Jewish usurer, he is a typical tragic-comic character in the play,because he accumulates as much wealth as he can and even his daughter has no right to use one of his money.He is also cruel, for he would rather to kill Antonio than accept the three times’ money.On the other hand, he is also a tragic figure, he can not be treated equally by the society, he must use more money to get safety, he love money, but he have to use his treasure to make sure his safe, so he wants to revenge.
Portia a typical figure of humanism, she has new knowledge, and she is smart, because she make full use of the law to help
Antonio smartly.So she has the humans’ good qualities-kindne, friendship and love.It can be said that Portia is the figure of new women, the symbol of humorous, happy, and generous, and the figure of brave shows in defending for her husband in the court.In terms of many people’s eyes, it is a complex case, while a young lady Portia can make it very easy.The reason why she is so praised is that the writer wants to puts his ideal dream on this woman.
Antonio a newly-appeared merchant in bourgeois, the writer beautifies him in the play for his friendship, his forgivene, and his tolerance towards the Shylock’s murder as well as the death.He has the spirit of ancient Roman’s hero.After all, he has the qualities-honest, humanism.
Baanio is willing to help others and showing sympathy to others, but he doesn’t know how to struggle with those who wants to trap him, that is, he doesn’t know how to protect himself.He shows his weakne all the time.