初二英语邀请函如何写?( 三 )

( 3 ) It is recommended that you bring paper and pens to facilitate recording of relevant contents.
( 4 ) All parents' cars are parked on the roadside outside school. Please follow the arrangement of traffic controllers and park in an orderly manner. ( Try to walk with your children or take bus 602,601,etc. )
Your arrival will be the first step towards successful education! Thank you for your support for school work! Thank you for your cooperation.
* * Year * * Month * * Day


In order to further enable parents to fully understand students' study and life in school,strengthen communication between schools and parents,discuss with parents the education and training of children,form a joint force of home and school education,and promote the healthy growth of students,the school is scheduled to hold a parent—teacher meeting for middle school students on December 26 ( Saturday ). The specific arrangements are as follows:
1. time: December 26 ( Saturday ) 9: 30 — 11: 30 a.m
2. Location: classrooms of Changjun Chaoyang International Experimental School
3. Attending grades: Grade 6,7,8,9 and Grade 1 and Grade 2
Parents are kindly requested to attend the meeting on time.
Warm Tip:
Dear parents:
1. If you think your work is too busy,we want to tell you: Nothing is more important than the education of your children.
2. If you have reason to be late or absent,will your child do the same in study?
3. We also want to remind you that parents are the children's first teacher. Your words and actions will always affect the children. Therefore,please do not smoke after entering the campus. Please pay attention to civilized manners and obey the unified arrangement of the school.
4. The traffic at the school gate may be a little crowded during the parent—teacher meeting. Please obey the command of the traffic police or security guards when parking.
XXX Experimental School
December 17,20xx


Dear parents:
Thank you for your concern,understanding and support for all the work of our school. On this season when the red osmanthus is fragrant and the golden wind is shining,I would like to extend my best wishes to you and your family.
As time goes by,your children have been studying and living in the big family of Guang Hai Middle School for half a semester. In order to give you a comprehensive report on your children's study,life and thoughts in school,discuss their future together,further strengthen family—school ties and communication,and enhance friendship,so as to improve the management level of education and teaching in our school and enable your children to grow up healthily and study happily in Guang Hai Middle School. The school is planning to hold a parent—teacher meeting on Saturday,November 12,at 2: 10 p.m in the classrooms of all classes. Sincerely invite you to take time out of your busy schedule to visit our school,then we will sincerely communicate with you and jointly build a platform for home—school cooperation. Please also put forward your valuable opinions on the school's education and teaching work and sincerely thank you.