龟山汉墓的导游词如何写?( 三 )

满城汉墓的发现,揭示了西汉时期诸侯王的墓葬结构和埋葬制度,为研究汉代冶炼、铸造、漆器、纺织等手工业和工艺美术等方面的发展情况提供了重要的实物资料 。满城汉墓出土文物数量多,品级高,文物科技价值和工艺价值高 。在一定程度上反映出当时社会财富的积累和生产力的发展水平,是研究我国汉代冶炼、铸造、漆器、纺织等手工业和工艺美术发展情况的重要资料 。满城汉墓的发掘(包括陵山主峰南坡18座小型陪葬墓,待发掘),为研究西汉时期的政治、经济、军事和文件科学技术提供了重要的实物资料,充分体现了中国古代汉族劳动人民的勤劳和智慧 。
mancheng han dynasty tombcast:
the honorable and craftsman firstcraftsman secondcraftsman thirdcraftsman forth
today, we will introduce chinese traditional burial custom to everyone in cla by playing a period act.as the typical and famous tomb, 满城汉墓is our best choice to clarify it.after all, the tomb is a significant part of traditional culture, and it also plays an important role in our life.that means it can be translated into a chinese sentence that “房子修得再好只是临时住所,小小的盒子才是你永久的家”.
【episode one】
(wp l are chatting,z comes in from the gate.)
a(seriously):everybody, prince commanded us to build his tomb immediately.b(surprised):so quick! prince got feud just now.
a(nod): prince wanted to identify them as soon as poible, because he wanted to make it delicate.
c(calmly): ok.since it was the princes command, what we could is following.so let us talk it over quickly as soon as poible.
d: yes, nowadays we can’t do anything but this.do you have any idea about it? c(think for a while): according to the prince, the mausoleum site selection and general structure must be very elaborate.
【episode two】
c: i’m good at geomancy.we’d better choose that field near mount ling(北平陵山) because the mountain becomes the natural protection for the mausoleum(王陵).nobody in the future could find it.
a: it should face south.there is a good place.i will send someone for investigation and find the best point.the coffin will be put there.
b: ok, site selection is determined; we will take a look together with somebody.as
for the general structure…(look at other people). d:the tomb structure should be built in accordance with the ancestors’.because of his noble status, tomb specification should only be second to the king.
c: so we adopt the traditional six parts, tomb gallery(墓道), front chamber(前室), south side chamber(南耳室), north side chamber(北耳室), middle chamber(中室) and back chamber(后室).
a: as for the tomb opening, the upper as well as the wall are arc.there is a ramp toward west.and the door should be made of iron.