A secretary keeps an office running smoothly.Secretaries have a wide range of duties,depending on the offices that they work for,but as a general rule,they are extremely efficient and well organized.Qualification requirements for a position as a secretary vary; a minimum,clerking skills like typing and operating office equipment are needed.Employment prospects in this field are generally good,especially for skilled individuals.
Secretaries may be known by a variety of other titles,like administrative assistants,clerks,or personal assistants.These titles may reflect different types of secretarial jobs,although all of these positions share the common theme of administrative tasks.Secretarial positions are quite old; Greek and Roman businessmen and politicians,for example,used personal secretaries and clerks to manage their affairs.
At a minimum,a secretary handles correspondence,keeps track of a schedule,manages a filing system,and operates office equipment like phones,fax machines,and copiers.Many secretaries also answer phones and route phone calls to the appropriate people.Some secretaries also handle supply ordering for an office,and they may deal with budgeting,bookkeeping,and personnel paperwork.A secretary is expected to have experience with computers and other electronics,as he or she will handle a great deal of electronic material,including correspondence.
In addition to having clerical skills,a secretary is a skilled manager of time and people.Secretaries are often very important people in the offices that they work in,although they may not command the salary and respect from outsiders that higher ranking people in the office do.A good secretary anticipates the needs of office staff,solves problems quickly,and works so efficiently that many people do not realize how valuable the secretary is until he or she leaves the job.Secretaries also have excellent people skills,and they are secure in handling confidential material,high-strung executives,and the chaos that is often present in a busy office.
文秘有行政文秘和企业文秘等几种,它们之间既有相同或相似之处,又有不同之处 。
如果做行政文秘,除具备公文写作能力、电脑文字处理能力之外,要有较为扎实的文字功底,还要对该行政机关(政府部门)的业务以及与业务有关的法律法规有一定的了解 。
如果做企业文秘,应具备企业合同、协议等文本的起草能力,有一定的速记能力,有一定的法律法规功底,当然更要有操作电脑、文字处理的基本能力 。
1 接听、转接电话;接待来访人员 。
2 负责办公室的文秘、信息、机要和保密工作,做好办公室档案收集、整理工作 。
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