我们的酒店邀请函英汉互译怎么写?( 三 )

2.他越想这件事,就越生气 。
The more he thinks about it, the angrier he becomes.
3.她对那些无辜的受害者充满了同情 。
She was filled with pity for the innocent victims.
4.他全身心忙于公务,根本没有时间考虑休假 。
He was occupied with his busine matters and didn\\'t have time to think about.
5.这个国家的经济在一定程度上依赖于原材料的进口 。
The country\\'s economy depends to some degree on the import of raw material: a holiday.
6.经过委员们数次讨论,新的行动方案初见端倪 。
After several discuions between the members of the committee, a new plan of action began to take shape.
1.我把这张照片放在每天都可以看到的地方,因为它能让我想起我上大学的日子 。I keep the picture where I can see it every day as it reminds me of my university days.
2.在一些国家,所谓的平等并不真正意味着所有人拥有平等的权利 。
In some countries, what is called "equality, does not really mean equal rights for all people.
3.他习惯在手边放本词典,以便遇到生词时查找其意义 。
He is used to keeping a dictionary at hand so that he can find the meaning of new words he comes acro.
4.面对个人压力时,你应该坚信自己将达到最终目标 。
When confronted with personal preure, you should stand firmly for your belief that you will reach your ultimate goal.
5.换言之,要保持自我,面对现实,不可贪财图利 。
In other words, be yourself and face reality, but don\\'t sell out to convenience.
6.我不喜欢那些总是依赖外在因素使自己感觉良好的人 。
【我们的酒店邀请函英汉互译怎么写?】I don\\'t like those people who always rely on external factors in order to feel good about themselves.