
I was born in Guangxi, grew up in Guangdong, where I completed the previous study and life of my university, and now I will complete my college education in Guizhou, this experience has tempered me to adapt to different living conditions and different The ability to deal with the region.This is my place and others do not like this is more conducive to me engaged in a variety of communication more extensive work is brought up in different environments, I can eak Cantonese, Sichuan and Guizhou Words, Hakka, lively and cheerful personality, love orts, like to participate in various social activities.
During the university, I constantly improve my ability in various aects, get a lot of awards, College outstanding student cadres and Miyoshi students is more access to many times by the college and higher recognition, such as Qiannan Zhou Qing work advanced The sixth China Photographic Art Festival service work advanced individual and outstanding young volunteer title.Guizhou province college students psychological knowledge contest second.
When I was a university student, I have served as the Student Union and Student Party branch secretary and other student cadre, a serious and reonsible work, hard work, team awareness, a certain degree of organization and coordination. Certainly, but I also more aware of their own situation, there are many deficiencies, such as social experience, the ability to deal with social events have yet to be improved, the 2 st century is the world of talent competition, I will learn and experience Of the social experience used to work to continuously improve their quality to meet the needs of social development.
我叫**,是**保险公司**分公司的一名内勤 。一晃在公司已经度过了两年的时间 , 两年有付出也有收获 , 以下是本人最近一年来的工作鉴定 。
内勤工作是一项综合协调、综合服务的工作 , 具有协调左右、联系内外的纽带作用 , 内勤位轻责重 , 既要完成事务管理、文书处理、综合情况、填写报表、起草文件等日常程序化的工作 , 又要完成领导临时交办的工作 , 还要为领导出谋划策 , 积极发挥参谋助手作用 , 协助领导做好各方面的工作 。一个合格的内勤必须具有强烈的事业心、高度的责任感和求真务实的工作态度 , 具有较高的政治素质和业务能力 , 熟悉业务和内勤工作 , 具有较宽的知识面和合理的知识结构以及严谨干练的工作作风、任劳任怨的献身精神和淡泊名利的思想境界 。
1协助销售经理(番禺销售经理)完成各类信息的收集、录入、统计(番禺统计)、分析工作 。
2负责对销售订单的审核工作 , 同时开据出库单 。