
acolytes是什么意思 , acolytes怎么读
acolytes 基本解释
助手( acolyte的名词复数 );随从;新手;<宗>(天主教)侍祭
中文词源acolytes 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词 , 就可以看到词义解释提示:点击例句中的单词 , 就可以看到词义解释And the hamas government that then briefly held power gave acolytes jobs administering government mosques .而哈马斯政府的权力运行后 , 就让其工作助手来管理政府清真寺 。
Politicians and their acolytes no longer treat opponents as decent and honourable , if sadly mistaken , public servants .政客们和他们的助手们不再把对手们视作是正派和可敬的 , 如果大错特错 , 应该叫做公务员 。
She lived to see laissez-faire triumph over collectivism and one of her leading acolytes , alan greenspan , appointed to the president 's council of economic advisers .她也活着看到了自由放任战胜集体主义 , 并且她的主要助手之一阿兰.格林斯潘被任命为总统经济顾问委员会委员 。
The episodes are each a few minutes in length - enough time , say , for mr. buffett and his animated acolytes to impart the importance of location when setting up a lemonade stand .每集动画片长度只有几分钟 , 可以说 , 对巴菲特先生和他的动画助手们来说传授在搭建柠茶摊时选择位置的重要性已经足够了 。
Half of those stepping down came to power with tony blair in 1997 ; there seems to be unusual attrition among his higher-flying acolytes from the reforming wing of the labour party .离开的议员中有一半曾任职于1997年组建的以托尼布莱尔为首的工党在野团队;可见工党内部的改革派对这些有抱负的助手们造成了极大的削弱影响 。