《小妇人》观后感怎么写?( 二 )

The novel described four sisters in the March family; they were kind to each other and love each other, hardworking, stayed with neighbor Laurence friendly.Different disposition girls had found their own happy through their own goodne and industrious.The novel has not a fluctuation plot and fascinating suspension in a play, but the author described the happine in March family with the simple language.Their good and kind, loyalty to love and family has left me a deep impreion.The author only described very ordinary detail in the life, but reveals the love to the happy life expectation everywhere.
This book is not a adults\\' struggle, but the children growth.How they mature from naive perseverance from fragile toward eagerly toward patience.Watched the person of the four sisters aembled and change, as if to look to the next stop.From the novel, I have learned that we should keep hope for future and make great efforts to seek dream.I also have learned to cherish what you have had such as your parents, time and so on ,we should discover everyone\\'s merit but to take the colored gla to see others shortcoming.
I like Meg, like her willing to poverty in order to love and not for the money temptation character.I like Joe, like her unrestrained, like herReview of Little women
unwavering determination of dream.I like Beth, like her quiet, and do everything without complaint, and she was always considerate of others.I also like Amy\\'s strong.Poverty alleviation is her belief .Their ideals and destiny were different, but they have found the best destination.
The novel emphasized their individuality and dignity, but also show their self-expreion constraints, independent self-reliance.They always stop to find out their shortcomings and try to correct the common characteristics of these four girls.It is worth us to learn .
Meg, Jo, Beth, Amy, they are four strong and optimistic spirit will always be stored in my heart.Their smile will forever exist in my mind, reminding me to be strong, to have a pure heart!
Life is a travel must be completed, although we can not control for time, we can constantly improve ourselves.No matter how the years change, how things change, eential that good self-esteem, honesty and dedication, we can not lose abandoned.
Remember, whatever your goal is, you will get it if you are willing to do!
Review of Little women


如果是我,我会回答,都是,但又都不是 。如果快乐是一棵树的话,自由,团圆,塌实……这些都是“快乐”这棵树的'树根,但树最重要的不是根,而是所有,这一切加起来,就是心,树的心 。快乐这棵树的心,就是乐观,不论处境多么险峻,不论局势对你多么不利,都要乐观 。只要有心在,一切就不会毁灭 。
快乐是什么并不重要,重要的是,怎样才能快乐 。