
英音  [ə'ku:stɪkl] 
美音 [ə'ku:stɪkl] 
acoustical 基本解释
中文词源acoustical 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释Researchers revealed the video at the acoustical society of america meeting .研究人员在美国声学学会的一次会议上展示了这段视频 。
Vitruvius also added one of the great historical mysteries to the acoustical literature .维特鲁威还为声学增加了一个重大的历史之谜 。
The ancient greeks were aware of other acoustical principles , at least empirically .古希腊人也知道一些其他的声学原理,至少在实践上 。
They 'll present the findings at a meeting of the acoustical society of america .他们将在美国声学学会会议上展示这次发现 。
Gregorian chant grew out of the acoustical characteristics of the gothic cathedrals , and subsequently baroque music was written to accommodate the churches of the time .罗马教皇的吟颂是在哥特式教堂的声学特性下发展起来的,随后巴洛克音乐被书写出来以迎合当时的教堂环境 。