
Acosta 基本解释
[人名] 阿科斯塔
中文词源Acosta 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释— Acosta ( leadership development program associate )——市场营销公司Acosta领导力开发项目面试题 。
Acosta will soon be vying for this profitable honour .而acosta公司很快就会来竞争这块肥肉了 。
In 2009 acosta helped starbucks to launch via , a popular brand of instant coffee .而acosta公司正是2009年协助星巴克上市热销速溶咖啡via的公司 。
Acosta 's thinking was in fact a shrewd response to the economic phenomenon called " oil curse " .acosta的思考其实是对称为“石油魔咒”的经济现象的聪明的应对 。
The last person acosta spoke to was his father after which he got onto a boat that was " full of white snow " .最后一个跟acosta说话的是他的父亲,在这之前,他上了一艘布满白色雪花的船 。