
中俄等多国将向印度提供必要援助(新冠确诊连破纪录 , 中俄等多国表示愿意援助 , 印度现在怎样了?)
从本月早些时候开始 , 印度单日新增新冠确诊病例数连创新高 , 疫情迅猛反弹 。

印度卫生部4月25日最新数据显示 , 印度昨日新增新冠确诊病例34.9万例 , 连续第四天刷新全球单国单日新增确诊最高纪录 。这个新增确诊病例数 , 相当于美洲、欧洲和非洲的新增确诊病例总和 。

世卫组织称 , 过去一周 , 全球近28%的新增病例来自印度 。印度专家根据疫情模型预测 , 本轮新冠疫情将在5月达到峰值 。

People cremate the body of a victim of COVID-19 at a crematorium ground in New Delhi, India, April 23, 2021. /Reuters
India reported a new daily high of nearly 350,000 cases and more than 2,700 deaths on Sunday – the worst toll since the start of the pandemic. Experts predict that the second wave of infections may peak by mid-May.

In the past week, nearly 28 percent of new cases worldwide came from India, the WHO said.



与此同时 , 印度医用氧气和病床的短缺仍在加剧 。

新德里规模较大的巴特拉医院执行理事苏丹舒?班卡塔在接受新德里电视台采访时表示:“每家医院氧气都快耗尽 。”

在新德里的医院 , 两到三个病人共用一张病床已经不是新鲜事了 。

《印度快报》报道 , 位于新德里的斋浦尔?戈尔登医院内 , 由于重症监护室“氧气压力低” , 一夜之间至少20名新冠病患死亡 。院长巴卢贾说 , 23日夜间氧气供应延迟7到8小时 , 医院当晚获得的氧气供应量仅为需求量的40% 。

India has been suffering from oxygen shortages and hospitals in the capital New Delhi and many other cities百思特网 have run out of beds.

In one New Delhi hospital, video showed two or three patients sharing a bed, with barely enough space for others to stand.

At least 20 COVID-19 patients died百思特网 overnight due to "low oxygen pressure" in the intensive care unit at Jaipur Golden Hospital in New Delhi, the Indian Express reported. Dr. D.K. Baluja, Medical director of the Hospital, said that the oxygen supply was delayed by 7 to 8 hours during the night, and the hospital received only 40 percent of the oxygen needed that night.

治疗困难重重 , 预防措施也不太“靠谱” 。

印度《每日新闻与分析》24日报道 , 在印度贾坎德邦一个边境安全部队 , 士兵正采用一种创新的蒸汽吸入技术来为自己“消毒” 。报道视频显示 , 几名士兵坐在一个连接着高压锅的装置前 , 吸入冒出的蒸汽 。


据印度媒体24日统计 , 在过去24小时内 , 印度铁路已向全国运送了近150吨医用氧气 。印度政府已决定对进口新冠疫苗和医用氧气免除基本关税 , 措施有效期为三个月 。

Tanks of oxygen are being shuttled across the country to hotspots to keep up with the demand. /Narinder Nanu/AFP
中国、俄罗斯、澳大利亚、法国、英国、美国等均表示将向印度提供必要援助 。欧盟委员会也计划向印度运送氧气和药品 , 欧盟委员会百思特网主席冯德莱恩表示“正在集合资源 , 以便迅速响应印度的援助请求” 。

巴基斯坦总理伊姆兰?汗也发推希望印度“迅速战胜疫情” , 巴基斯坦慈善组织“艾德希国际基金会”表示愿为印度提供50辆救护车 。

The shortage of oxygen at hospitals across the country had compelled Indian Railways to run oxygen express trains by sourcing the gas from steel plants. Trains delivered nearly 150 tons of oxygen across the country over the past 24 hours, the state-run Press Information Bureau said.

China, Russia, Australia, France, the United Kingdom, the United States and other countries have pledged to provide necessary assistance to India.

The European Union (EU) is gearing up to "respond rapidly" to India's worrying COVID-19 situation which has made it the current epicenter of the pandemic, the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen said on Sunday.