
有了电脑之后,在已有的人生痛苦之后又添加了一项,那就是在写东西的时候,电脑突然死机或者断电了 。昨夜便是如此,写着同名博文的时候,就断电了 。不过,我还是有信心写第二遍 。
昨晚是第三次看《傲慢与偏见》 。第二次是去年的某个时候,第一次是在上学的时候,全班同学一起看的,也就是前两三年的事 。
我之所以喜欢这个片子,可能是片子中的美以及爱情本身吧 。
伊丽莎白和她姐姐都很美 。尤其是她姐姐说话的声音,相当优雅和温柔,特别是叫莉迪亚的时候 。
上学的时候翻译过一个句子,总让我想起来,因为它很有意思 。中文意思是“长裙沾尘,短裙勾魂” 。电影《傲慢与偏见》中的长裙让在21世纪的我尤为喜欢,身姿纤长,飘逸 。
伊丽莎白美在笑的时候,美在有内涵的谈话中,美在她的个性 。
其中有几句围绕爱情和生活的精彩的台词,比如爱情中的人都是傻瓜,她看上去不喜欢他,傲慢与偏见,当你有5个小孩的时候,你再告诉我你的感受等等 。相信我们对这些都有自己的体会或者看法 。
由于我实在很喜欢片中的伊丽莎白,看完之后就去百度百科看了她的资料 。她叫Keira·Knightley 。让我惊讶的是她居然比我还小一点,是85年3月26的 。和我喜欢的她是同一天生日 。这是我的错,因为在第一次看的时候我就潜意识以为之歌片子是拍了很久了的,现在才知道这个电影是在20xx年拍摄的 。
总之,我喜欢《傲慢与偏见》,并且,还会偶尔拿出来看看 。


Pride and Prejudice is a famous movie.After seeing it I think it is really a interesting film.Elizabeth was the heroine of the story.She was beautiful, strong-minded, and kind-hearted.But I prefer the hero, Darcy.Darcy was handsome, rich but unsocial.When he first saw Elizabeth on the ball, he was soon absorbed by Elizabeth’s eyes, and he fell in love with her.But his proud appearance and farouche talk hurt Elizabeth and caused her prejudice to him.Darcy\\'s pride causes him to look down on those who are in a lower social cla, due to his mentality that he supersedes those who are not within his social circle.Given that Elizabeth Bennet is of a lower cla than Darcy, this places immediate restrictions to their relationship.Elizabeth also displays significant pride.
As time went by, all the ups and downs made Elizabeth more prejudiced against Darcy.When Darcy proposed to her, Elizabeth rejected it at once without any hesitation.Poor Darcy didn’t give up, he tried to clear the atmosphere and help her family out from the scandal.Finally, the misunderstanding was gone, they got together happily.Right that moment, none of a word could expre my feeling.I never imagined that such kind of love could exist under such extreme pride and prejudice.I almost believed that the story would be true and it had ever happened somewhere sometime.There, people sang and danced and something sweetly changed without being noticed.