傲慢与偏见观后感怎么写?( 二 )

From their love story I realize that it’s stupid to judge a person just by the first impreion and always have prejudice on the person who you dislike, and pride sometimes will make you far away from the people.From the story, we can see, because Darcy’s proud, he offended the girl he loved, and because of the prejudice, Elizabeth was failed to see the merits of Darcy, but fortunately, they didn’t mi each other finally.Their love was romantic and also realistic.
The marriage of Charlotte Lucas and Mr.Collins represented most of the marriages at that time.Most women and men got married for money and power.The marriage had nothing to do with love.The wives were regarded as the beautiful vases for decoration.The husbands took the “vases” with them to the social occasion everyday while thinking about their career advancement in their heart and never cared about the feelings of the “vases”.And what caused this? The eential reason was the low social position of the women.Even the ladies in the upper cla only played the role of a housewife.And this kind of marriage is surely a tragedy of society.In modern society, although the marriages of economic needs have decreased rapidly, the concept of “money determines everything” is still rooted in some people\\'s mind.A lot of parents try hard to interfere their children\\'s marriages.Education background, poeions, jobs remains the main reason that may influence one’s marriage.Marry for money is still a big problem in our society.We can’t help thinking: can money determine everything? From my opinion, I do not agree with this view.I think I can only get married because of love, and I\\'ll never choose this kind of marriage under any situations.
上大学时,读过《傲慢与偏见》 。不知是读不懂还是没认真深度,多年以后的今天对这本书的内容很模糊 。
最近看了电影版的,却十分喜欢 。虽然反应的是200年前英国的乡村生活,但女主人公的家庭结构与我们家目前的家庭很相似,而且我们也过着恬静的乡村生活 。也许这就是我喜欢这部电影的主要原因吧!
他们在物质上不是很富裕,但仍然过着快乐而充实的生活 。姐妹五个很团结,平时在家里说说笑笑的,给乡村平凡的生活增添了几分色彩 。作父母的都一样,总希望自己辛苦养育的子女将来能有一个好的归宿,但真的找到了一个好的归宿开始离开父母独立生活时,又是那么的舍不得 。很喜欢女主人公母亲说的一句话:“当你有五个女儿时,再告诉我你当时的感受 。我相信,你会理解我的!”
是啊,在我们眼里父母的一些做法和想法有时很“不对”,或者“不应该”,甚至“有点怪” 。我们可以站在他们的角度去考虑,但除非我们只有有了和他们一样的处境,也许才能够深深地理解他们当时那些我们认为“不对”,“不应该”,甚至“有点怪”的做法和想法 。喜欢她淡定优雅的性格 。爱情来时那么真实地幸福着,爱情去时又那么的淡定 。