毁约的道歉信如何写?( 四 )

再次向贵校致歉,给您们带来这么多麻烦实在很对不起!希望能尽快得到您们的答复 。


今天发生了一些不愉快的事情 。
你说自己干嘛回家后非要再去那里瞎逛,逛就逛吧,为什么要到那时候说你去过那里 。你自己答应的事情忘记了吗?非要别人每天每时每刻都去提醒你吗?猪脑子吗?一定要记得!!!不准有以后!!!
你要记住这是你自己做出的承诺,既然你已经做出了承诺,答应过别人的事情,就一定要做到,要不然会让人心寒,又会让人受伤 。
昨天你对我说的那些话让我心里十分难过,我也自己反省了一下自己,确实这样做这件事情十分的不对,因为我没有做到答应过你的事情,我如果当时告诉你了也许就不会有这些不高兴,也不会伤到你了,本来昨天是高高兴兴的一天,然而却毁在了我的手里 。
我知道,一句对不起不可能一下就能抚平对你所造成的伤害,所以我现在需要做的事情就是用实际行动去改变一切 。做一个不会再去伤害别人的人 。如果再做出这样的事情来,就真的猪都不如了 。
希望你在看到这一封道歉信的时候,能够不再生气,能够快快乐乐的 。也希望你能原谅我这个昨天有些混蛋的我 。


Addreer Name
Addreer Addre
Addreee Name
Addreee Addre
Dear ___________,
It is with great concern and regret we received your (letter, e-mail, phone call, etc.) outlining the problem you had with our service.(LIST THE PROBLEM AND DATE IT OCCURRED).
First and foremost, on behalf of (the company/person who made the mistake), I would like to personally apologize for your inconvenience.We accept full responsibility for breaking our appointment and I aure you we are taking the neceary steps to prevent it from happening in the future since we cherish our
cooperation, value our customers, make up your compensation and by no means try to improve our service.Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.
Having got involved in the latest (events, affairs, accidents, etc.), our busine is now at the mercy of (the main reason of breaking a date).We feel sorry for bring you too muchinconvenience and we are now working on the ways to make up your
compensation.We know what we have done and what we need to make up while we hope what we will do can meet your satisfaction and requirement of better service.
First of all, we will estimate the value of your lo and spare no effort to solve your problems.Then, attention will be paid to the compensation of your lo.We are again regretful for the lo of your time and energy.I am sure that priority will be given to meeting your requirement.Last but not least, we will by no means improve our service and provide you with comfort and satisfaction.We promise that we will not have such things happen again.