关于闺蜜情的英文句 用英语给闺蜜写一段话

Bestie is, quarreled, made, but the heart is still together.
闺蜜就是 , 吵过 , 闹过 , 但心还在一起 。
Thanks to time, let me meet the best you.
承蒙时光不弃 , 让我遇见最好的你 。
No matter how many spring and autumn and winter and summer, we will always be friends.
不管经历多少春秋与冬夏 , 我们永远都是朋友 。
The world is so big, we are so lucky to meet each other and never give up.
世界这么大 , 我们很幸运 , 遇见彼此 , 又从没放弃 。
We have gone through difficult times together, you are the best gift youth has given me!
我们一起走过艰难岁月 , 你就是青春给我最好的礼物!
Even though the darkness is endless, I only want to be with you.
哪怕黑暗无边 , 只愿与你并肩 。
When I am happy, I will fight and make noise. When I am sad, I will cry and hold my head in my hands. Such a tiny happiness, I will cherish it all the more.
高兴时打打闹闹 , 难过时抱头痛哭 , 这样微小的幸福 , 我却倍加珍惜 。
There is only one you in this world, how can I not cherish.
这世上仅有一个你 , 我又怎能不珍惜 。
关于闺蜜情的英文句 用英语给闺蜜写一段话

Because the opposite is you, I came all the way to the appointment.
因为对面是你 , 我才不远千里来赴约 。
No lasting happiness, no eternal time, can toss together, don't idle.
没有持续的幸福 , 也没有永恒的时光 , 能一起折腾 , 就别闲着 。
You can always see through all my camouflage, expose all my strong.
你总能看透我所有的伪装 , 戳穿我所有的坚强 。
Although there is no way back in life, but as long as you, time is not disappoint.
虽然人生没有回头路 , 但只要有你 , 时光就不算辜负 。
Without you, I would not believe that friendship is more vitality than love.
如果没有你 , 我不会相信 , 友情比爱情生命力更强 。
That year the breeze set sun, we turned to meet, suddenly feel like you are another me.
那一年微风斜阳 , 我们转头相遇 , 猛然觉得你好像另一个我 。
Happy, happy, share with you; Bad, sad, with you.
开心的 , 快乐的 , 与你同享;糟糕的 , 难过的 , 与你共渡 。
No matter how time changes, only wish we never change.
不管时光如何变 , 只愿我们永不变 。
If you want to leave me, I'll expose you to the world.
你要是想离开我 , 我就把你的丑照公诸于世 。
We often hate each other, but never abandon. qqssly.com
我们经常互相嫌弃 , 却又不离不弃 。
Meet again, just know, no matter how long the right person will not change.
再次相见 , 才知道 , 对的人不管多久都不会变 。
Wish us, from youth to white hair.
希望我们 , 从青春年华 , 一直到满头白发 。