房地产销售员的英文自我评价怎么写?( 三 )

作为房产销售部中的一员,我深深觉到自己身肩重任 。作为企业的门面,企业的窗口,自己的一言一行也同时代表了一个企业的形象 。所以更要提高自身的素质,高标准的要求自己 。在高素质的基础上更要加强自己的专业知识和专业技能 。此外,还要广泛了解整个房地产市场的动态,走在市场的前沿 。
房地产市场的起伏动荡,公司于***年与***公司进行合资,共同完成销售工作 。在这段时间,我积极配合***公司的员工,以销售为目的,在公司领导的指导下,完成经营价格的制定,在春节前策划完成了广告宣传,为**月份的销售高潮奠定了基础 。最后以**个月完成合同额**万元的好成绩而告终 。经过这次企业的洗礼,同志从中得到了不少专业知识,使自己各方面都所有提高 。
我今后更该认真总结,及时反思,多向别人学习,使自己不断进步,日渐完善 。使自己成为销售领域的一名精英,和公司共同发展,创造美好未来!


University life in the busy quietly in the past, as part of a better memory of life. Among the success of the like, there are failures of failure. But put me into a college student now, so I in all aspects of the overall quality has been improved for the future life laid a solid foundation.
Four years of marketing expertise and a wealth of real estate market part-time practical experience, so I have real estate marketing career interests and skills to benefit. I walked from the ups and downs twists and turns, out of the childish, impetuous and unrealistic, more mature psychological, firm, more solid professional foundation.
Professional: master a lot of professional marketing theory and real estate marketing skills, while the level of computer applications, English, social skills have been greatly improved;
Quality: work hard, work proactive, able to work independently, independent thinking, hardworking and honest, with team spirit, good health, energy, can adapt to high-intensity work.
Four years of university study and more than a year real estate company marketing job trainee work temper, cultivate my good work style and team awareness, such as multi-angle understanding and awareness of customer purchase needs, all-round real estate customer service work,Hard work of the truth-seeking spirit and the ability to sell at random. I believe that in the future work, I will closely cooperate with the company sales needs, hard working, becoming a competent real estate marketing experts.


First, because I graduated from the School of Business Administration of the marketing professional, with a solid theoretical foundation, and I in the construction industry for five years of sales, has a wealth of work experience, and improve the sales concept, by the ordinary salesman , A step by step promotion for the sales management level, my department has been in my lead, six people do the performance of 130,000, creating a department has never had the feat!