初中英语说课稿怎么写?( 六 )

3. When Armstrong was on the moon, the aliens were very friendly.
七 Para8:Award for Armstrong
1.What is the Medal of Freedom for a US citizen?
2. What did Armstrong do for people around the world?
八 Read the passage together and fill in the blanks with right words:
Neil Armstrong took his first f_______ at six and received his pilot’s ________(执照) at 16. In 1949, Neil j_______ the navy and worked as a p_______. He was s_________ to be an astronaut in 1962. Four years later, he m__________ to join two spacecraft together in space. On 20th July 1969, he _______(着陆) Apollo 11 on the moon with Aldrin __________(成功)Neil said ‘one small step for man, one giant leap for m________’ Armstrong got the highest a_____ that a US c________ can receive. He is the pride of the world.
九 Retell the text
Name: Neil Armstrong
Date of birth: 5th August 1930
Place of birth: Ohio, the USA
Major event: at 6: was interested in flyingat 16: got his student pilot’s licence
In 1949: joined the navy
In 1962: became an astronaut
In 1966: joined 2 spacecraft together for the first time in space.
On 20th July 1969: walked on the moon
Famous words: one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.
Award: Medal of Freedom
What do you think of him: our pride — make us realize…Homework:
1.Recite the text.
2.Finish some additional exercises.


Good morning, everyone. Welcome to my interpretation. 各位评委老师上午好!今天我说课的题目是《xx》,接下来我将从说教材,说教法,说学法,说教学过程四个方面进行说课 。
一、On teaching material说教材
(一)Teaching contents教学内容:
本课教学内容是外语教学与研究出版社出版的教科书,七年级上册第——模块第——单元《xxx》 。
(二)Teaching aims and demands
⑴Cognitive objective知识目标:学会单词、短语:……;句型:……
⑵Ability objective能力目标:提高学生,听、说、读、写及知识自学的综合能力 。
(3) Moral objective情感目标:在探索学习的过程中,培养学生实践能力、探索意识、合作精神与创新精神 。同时感受英语与生活的密切联系 。
(三)Important and difficult points重点、难点
根据教学目标和学生特点我确立本节课的教学重点是—难点:能够运用所学的语法,进行交流 。
(四)The handing of materials对教材的处理
对教材的处理和把握上始终贯穿谈论问题,提供建议这一主线,本着激发兴趣,体验参与,自主学习,学以致用的原则,循序渐进的深化教学内容 。
二、On teaching methods说教法