
Friend 释义:朋友; 友人; 赞助者百思特网; 支持者; 自己人; 同志; 同伙; 同盟者;
音标:英[frend] 美[frend]

Amigo 释义:朋友; 对美国人友好的西班牙语系人;
音标:英['mi] 美['mio]

Companion 释义:旅伴; 伴侣; 陪伴; 志趣等相投的) 伙伴,同伴;
音标:英[kmpnin] 美[kmpnin]

Company 释义:公司; 商号; 商行; 剧团; 演出团; 陪伴; 做伴;
音标:英[kmpni] 美[kmpni]

Fellow&百思特网nbsp;释义:男人; 男孩; 小伙子; 家伙; 哥儿们; 同事; 同伴的
音标: 英[fel] 美[felo]

Matey 释义:友好; 亲热; 套近乎;哥儿们; 兄弟;
音标:英[meti] 美[meti]

1、I had a long talk about this with my best friend.
我和我最好的朋友就此事进行了长谈 。

2、I still wanted to be friends with Alison.
我还是想和艾莉森做朋友 。

3、He has made friends with the kids on the street.
他和流浪街头百思特网的孩子交上了朋友 。

4、She never was a close friend of mine.
她从来就不是我的密友 。

5、Don't sweat it, amigo. I know which way they went.
别慌,朋友,我知道他们往哪走了 。

6、I'm saving you, amigo!

7、I told you, amigo, the human project is real.
我告诉过你,伙计,人类工程是真的 。

8、I need to talk to your amigo here, alone.
我需要单独同你的朋友谈谈 。

9、Fred had been her constant companion for the last six years of her life
在她生命的最后6年,弗莱德一直是她忠实的伴侣 。

10、She and he were congenial companion in youth.
他和她是竹马青梅,志趣相投 。

11、He was a good friend, a dependable companion.
他是一个很好的朋友,一个可以信赖的伙伴 。

12、He was a charming travelling companion.
他是个讨人喜欢的旅伴 。

13、Why don't you stay here and keep Emma company?

14、She would be grateful for their company on the drive back.
有他们做伴开车陪她回去,她会很感激的 。

15、She discovered to her pleasure, a talent for making her fellow guests laugh.
她高兴地发现自己具备一种能把其他客人逗笑的才能 。

16、By all accounts, Rodger would appear to be a fine fellow.
据说,罗杰是个好小伙 。

17、He stood out in terms of competence from all his fellows
他在能力上远远胜过其他同事 。

18、Even in jail, my fellow inmates treated me with kindness.
就算在监狱里,狱友们对我也很友善 。
