机修工的英文自我评价怎么写?( 二 )

和其他同事的人际关系也很重要,因为一个人的能力有限,每件事的成功都是靠集体的智慧,所以和同事们团结在一起才是成功完成领导交给的工作任务的前提,这一点不仅仅是工作,平时的生活中也事如此,所以团结其他同事不仅是个人的事也是一种工作的义务! 在工作中,互相协作,是效率提高了不少,我们集体作业,互相协作,积极主动,使任务完成得非常快,这就是团结的力量,发挥大家的力量才能使工作进展得更快 。我深有体会 。
对于过去的得与失,我会汲取有利的因素强化自己的工作能力,把不利的因素在自己以后的工作中排除,一年的工作让我在 为再制造不断前进的道路上做出了一定的成绩,我相信通过我的努力和同事的合作,以及领导们的指导,我会成为一名优秀的员工,充分发挥我的 能力,也感谢领导给我这一个合适的工作位置,让我能为社会做出自己该有的贡献 。
一年来,我做的已经尽力了,我相信在今后的工作中,为再制造的发展,为提高职工收入,我还是会继续不断的努力下去 。虽然一年以来,我的工作还 有不尽人意的地方,不过我相信,只要我在岗位上一天,我就会做出自己最大的努力,将自己所有的精力和能力用在工作上,相信自己一定能够做好!保障公司正常生产、运作 。


In the past year, under the leadership of the help of the leadership, after the workers and colleagues of the common struggle, and through their own positive efforts, as equipment maintenance workers I successfully completed their own work. I do a year on the work of a serious summary. The following is my summary of my work this year:
one. Work attitude, ideological work.
I am keen on my own work, strict self-discipline, abide by the rules and regulations of the factory, strict demands on themselves, straighten the work position, always maintain the "modest, prudent, self-discipline, positive" attitude, leadership guidance and colleagues Help, always diligent study, proactive, and strive to improve themselves, and always work hard, conscientiously complete the task, perform good job duties, and constantly strengthen the study, a solid work of their own technology!
Second, to do their own work
【机修工的英文自我评价怎么写?】To do a mechanic, to deal with their work to understand a clear, familiar and skilled in their own work. Have all the machines and equipment to understand, but also have the ability to respond to failure, deal with the equipment may occur at any time failure. To meet the needs of the production schedule, our unit of equipment failures are often, my years of experience in the maintenance, those who do not understand, I have to try to study, once understood, it suddenly realized, looks complicated, As long as you understand, it will be simple, I not only bear the equipment maintenance work, but also completed a lot of tooling production, I feel very honored, thank the leadership to me such a platform, also feel their labor results and excitement , But also for the development of our manufacturing pride, but these will make me work harder, modest and prudent to learn from others, as much as possible to improve their ability to work in their own positions to play the greatest role, Faster and more efficient to complete their own work, but also enable us to get the maximum benefit units, so that my work and the harvest workers can achieve a balance, so I am more motivated, more confident work.